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Current Affairs – The Triangle Space

‘Story-of-Conservation-Part-One-1’ Mansoor Hamza

If you ask me how to make the best use of running water of rivers in the plain areas of Pakistan I will say that remove the embankment from rivers and build walls outside cities and populated areas. Let the new silt spread across overgrazed and excessively used soils across the country. Let the water …

New Narratives

Aijaz Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. Narratives bring new thinking patterns among the societies and prove to be a fortress to defend the anti-narratives. GM Sayed of Sindh and his like-minded when founded the Bazam -e-Sofiya(Circle of Mystics) Sindh, he gave narrative that “Sindh island of peace beyond the religions, we are mystics, we are …

Pandora Leaks: The case of Morality

Aijaz Ali Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. All ill-doings become legitimate if someone has nothing to do with morality. Morality in the broader sense is a figurative term, manifested by actions and acceptable to larger sections of the societies among the world e.g. Truth.  Storing the illegal money offshores is a moral deficit but it …

The Politics of Interest: Kashmir Cause

Ghalib Parvaiz. The writer is a Postgraduate in History from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. “Nations have no feelings but interests.” Once said by the French President Charles de Gaulle. The famous quotation solely reflects the current regional politics. Relationships among nations are largely determined by their national interests. Needless to say, there are no permanent foes …