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The Triangle Space – Stay Informed

Sindh in a labyrinth!


Sindh in a labyrinth!


It has been seen that nowadays the best entertainment is country politics. Some say the ouster of Imran Khan was justified, some say no it’s again the murder of democracy! If Imran was right or wrong, let’s say at the apex of notoriety because of the worst governance in the country. especially about inflation, NAB cases, and his Minister’s poetic language!!! Selected rhetoric remained all around. But we not oversight the bumper crowds of his recent protest cum people contacts? I do not say him right, but he is fast becoming popular because of his letter gave! and these narratives are easily accepted by the common man! it’s not appropriate for the power corridors! let’s have look at the other side: cabinet has yet not been finalized, it’s history’s mixed, collected government which has been formed by the left-right powers. Nothing of democracy at all. Here sindh has been auctioned, its sovereignty been given to those whose party roots are the hatred against the Sindhi people, Sindhi language, land of sindh. They are rural claimed fascists who have come now with an agreement in black and white! an agreement of Sindh as a piece of cake being given to them. Every we listen to even people like Khalid Maqbool talks to make administrative units! alas! a party which was orphaned, now talking of mincing Sindh ??? strange! Feudal of sindh sitting in provincial or national assemblies never talked against this illegal and unconstitutional contract! What sindh has got from the ouster of Imran Khan? nothing but only a new political soap serial but in it they are about to lose more! unless people could not come out! sadly speaking why some so-called intellectuals of sindh: some local che Gaveras and female comrades are gone two-step forward: to prove Raees(Feudal)as the Lenin or Mandela alas! if you preferred this assignment why did you go to attend universities? yesterday I read one column in one of Sindhi newspapers where one local Arondothy Roy tried hard to prove Raees(Feudal)as the savior and two steep ahead of Socrates!!! Is this analysis? Our people visited Punjab,kPK they might have seen the megastructure development there: Roads, railways, motorways, Metro, orange trains, health cards, police reforms, best educational institutions ..what is in Sindh??? Nothing and nothing. Sindh has been made Rwanda or Zimbabwe for the last 15 years: every district, taluka, Union Council has been a principal state, their Raja, Sardar, Wadera or Imperialist is the owner of people’s breathing! he decides who has been alive or dead! basic human rights are violated every day, nobody cares! I suggest our people must awaken from highly drugged slumber and come out to save sindh for their children: otherwise it will be too late! however, if Imran is ousted or Shahbaz’s entry sindh is not their priority rather it is a loss. our so-called Fb, brigade, or social media starters must revisit their thinking. Leading people in the labyrinth is also hypocrisy! Imran is Don Quixote no doubt, what is to mislead the impoverished people of sindh.??? its nothing but the fight for riches and oligarchy, not democracy at all.


By: Jasarat Ilyas Jokhio

By: Jasarat Ilyas Jokhio


 By: Jasarat Ilyas Jokhio

            The Sindhi language is one of the ancient languages of the world, researchers have coined in recent literature. It is also called the ancient language of the Indo-Pak subcontinent where various languages are spoken. The Sindhi language has the quality to absorb any word from any local as well as international languages. Moreover, it can also donate its words, phrases, proverbs, synonyms, and idioms to any language in the world. This characteristic has made it a unique and most advanced language which has diverse literature and rich vocabulary with multiple trends run by various institutions like Sindhi language Authority, an institute of the Government of Sindh located in Hyderabad Sindh Pakistan has been working on its betterment and promotion in multicultural Sindh province which faced so many challenges after Indo-Pak partition in the shape of millions of refugees who migrated from India to Pakistan and 99.5% of those people were settled in Sindh province. Being an ancient language heritage of the world, as per Mukherji (2020), this language has evolved over 2.5 million years connecting its solid base in Sanskrit while as the uncountable vocabulary words from the various languages of the world like; Persian and Arabic, etc are also seen spoken in the Sindhi language.

           Consequently, such evolution of long duration of more than two millennia with many waves of invasions by different invaders like; Ancient Greeks, Arabs, Turks, Mughals, and so on the northwest of undivided India, had always been the first to see and bear the onslaught of the never-ending invaders, and as such absorbed Hindi, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, English, and even Portuguese words. This was also the seat of the ancient Indus valley civilization during the 3rd millennium BC as discovered in the Larkana district (Moen-jo-Daro) excavation by RD Bannerji. Banerji discovered the pictographic seals and clay tablets from the ruins and reported them to Sir John Marshall. These excavations still await proper decipherment by epigraphists.

           Sindhi language scripts are different and used by various people. People with diversity in scripts range variety which is impacted by environment, state, people, religion and surrounding, etc such as Sindhi people in Sindh Pakistan use Arabic script where Urdu (national language of Pakistan) and Arabic (the religious language of Muslims) are in Arabic scripts while as the Sindhi people of Indian states write Sindhi in Devnagari script because of Hindi language impact. In this way, there are various scripts of the Sindhi language commonly used around the world. This research will also be a baseline in this regard that how Sindhi people are impacted to use any specific script to write the Sindhi language?

           Research in the Sindhi language is widely published but there is a lot of gap in modern scientific research on the language. Currently, there are a few research journals that are circulated by some institutions in Sindh Pakistan (such as the University of Sindh, Sindhi Language Authority Hyderabad and the University of Karachi, etc) which focus mainly on the literature on the Sindhi language, however, the current research study has been made on the basis to provide a baseline for future researchers to have an opened door to work and chart out further proceedings and strategies for the betterment and progress of Sindhi language and literature.

Various materials and methods were used during the present research such as; the primary as well as secondary sources of Sindhi language were seen and checked during the current research where simple random sampling was used to study and explore various literature on Pakistani as well as Indian authors. Hence the present research design is quasi-experimental in which a mix-method has been used to collect data. During the simple random sampling, 50 people from the various countries were given questionnaires in which Sindhi dialectics, literature, and linguistics were focused. Additionally, 10 senior researchers’ were also given interview protocol regarding their work in the Sindhi language. Comparative analysis was also carried out by the writers of both countries to draw the results and conclusion.

             Results of the present study reveal that Sindhi people live in many countries with their unique traditions and culture which descend from the great Indus valley civilization (currently in Sindh Pakistan which is the meeting point of a rich diversity of multicultural synergy). Sindhi people are also famous because of their artistic creation in their lives due to geographical importance i.e. being surrounded by the long stretch of desert, mountains, and water reservoirs of the Indus River as well as the presence of the Arabian Sea in the south. Indus valley civilization and Sindhi people are famous because of their rich exquisite artistic creations of crafts, music, language, literature, leather, potteries, glazed tiles, embroidery, handmade prints, textile design, sports, and games, music, and ornaments, etc. Therefore, history reveals that Sindhi people have not only been the contributors to language, literature, dialectics but also the pioneers in philosophy, astronomy, creations, medicine, sociology, and philosophy, etc.

There has been a great debate launched, based upon the various discoveries and facts about the Sindhi language that it has been the derivative of the ancient Sanskrit dialect. Dr. Trumpp was the pioneer of the theory that Sindhi is a derivative of the Sanskrit language. Judging from its vocabulary and roots of verbs, Dr. Trumpp concluded that “Sindhi is a pure Sanskritised language, more free from foreign elements than any of the North Indian vernaculars.” Except for Dr. Trumpp, many of the later linguists are of the same view that Sindhi is the product of Sanskrit. That is the reason for the statement based upon the fact of classifying the Sindhi language in the Indo-Aryan Linguistic list (Vrachada dialect of Prakrit Language which links with the hymns of Rigveda). Contrary to this, Sir George Grierson counts the Sindhi language among the relatives of the Dardic (Paishacha) languages, which are spoken in the region besides Kashmir, known as Dardistan. The 8th century CE is known to be the first evidence of the Sindhi written script of Mahabharata. As per Khubchandani, “Sindhi is an ancient Indo-Aryan language, probably having its origin in a pre-Sanskrit Indo-Aryan Indus Valley language. The Lahnda and Kashmiri appear to be its cognate sisters with a common Dardic element in them all”. Therefore, three ancient languages i.e. Vrachada, Dardic, Sanskrit, and Prakrit have an impact on Sindhi.

Nowadays there are two alphabetical scripts of Sindhi i.e. Arabic and Devnagari. Sindhi people who live in Sindh, Pakistan do write in Arabic script while Devnagari-Sindhi is written in Kutch (Gujrat India). Few people also use Gurmukhi and Brahmi scripts. Roman Sindhi is mostly used by the people who do write messages on mobile or Whatsapp etc. Arabic and Devnagari scripts are more used by Sindhi people, however, Roman Sindhi script is getting more popular. Hence, the Roman Sindhi script needs more focus and rules to be made in order to make the Sindhi language more common and easy for people.

Post-partition incidents had given a lot of harm to the Sindhi language when millions of Sindhi speaking people migrated from Pakistan to India were an unlimited number of people migrated to Sindh and most of them were Urdu speaking people who are still unable to speak Sindhi. Gujrat is the Indian state which touches the Sindh border and a good number of people live here who are speaking Sindhi for the last 8 to 10 generations. Sindhi people also live in the other states of India such as Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra, Uttar, Madhya Pradesh, etc. Therefore, the Indian constitution gives Sindhi its right and has declared the Sindhi language among the list of national languages. Consequently, the literature on Pakistan and India began to diverge significantly after 1947. Hence, the Hindi language impacted the Sindhi writers in India to write Sindhi in Devnagari while Arabic and Persian (Urdu) literature impacted the Sindhi writers in Sindh Pakistan to use Arabic scripted Sindhi.

The Sindhi language has various speaking dialectics such as; Utraadi (spoken in upper Sindh), Laari (Southern Sindh accent), Kohistani or Laasi (spoken in the mountainous or hilly regions of Sindh and Balochistan), Kutchi (also known as Memoni language which is spoken in Karachi, Thatta, Badin of Sindh Pakistan and Kathiawar, Kutch Bhuj of India, etc. It is also known from the lexical content of language that it is the mixture of Gujrati, Sindhi, and Rajasthani languages), Seraiki (spoken by the people of Balochi tribes in the upper or lower Sindh who belong to Indo-Aryan or Indic origin. It is also spoken by the people of northwest Punjab province of Pakistan), Vicholi (the standard language dialect spoken in the central Sindh region), Marwari (also known as Tharri; found in the Thar southeast desert region of both countries). Among these, the seven dialectics of Sindhi languages, the alphabetic scripts used are Arabic (Laari, Urtraadi, Vicholi, Kohistani, Saraiki) and Devanagari (Kutchi, Marwari, or Tharri). However, it is not a rule to write any script at any cost. People write it as per need and trend.

Sindhi language dialectics’ statistical analysis during the present research study reveals that the majority of people speak Utraadi (22%) while 21% and 14% of the population of the current study speak Laari and Vicholi respectively. Seraiki and Kohistani dialectics are spoken by 13% of the population followed by 11% of Marwari/ Tharri dialectics. Though many of the people were added here from the Indian Katch area they did not respond to Kacchi dialectics, however, it revealed only 6% of the population during the current study. All of the dialectics of the Sindhi language are spoken in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, and Canada, while in the various other countries of the world as sampled from all continents of the world during the present study revealed that 100% of the people not only speak but also read/ write all of the dialects in Arabic and Roman scripts of Sindhi language in Pakistan, 100% of Indian Sindhi speak Kutchi, Laari and Vicholi dialects using Devanagari, Roman, Arabic, Grumkhi, and Brahmi scripts. Sindhi people from the United Kingdom speak Laari and Utraadi dialectics while only 70% of these people can read/ write Sindhi in Roman, Arabic, and Devanagari scripts, followed by 50% of the American Sindhi people speak Vicholi and Kachhi dialectics with reading/ writing Roman, Arabic and Devanagari scripts of Sindhi language, 40% of German Sindhi people can read/ write Roman and Arabic Sindhi scripts and speak Vicholi dialectics, 38% of South African Sindhi speak Laari and Tharri Sindhi dialectics and read/ write Sindhi in Roman script only, 37% of Australian Sindhi people speak Utraadi and Kohistani dialectics and use Roman, Arabic, and Devanagari Sindhi scripts. In this way, though all of the Sindhi language scripts are spoken in New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, and Canada, just 35%, 36% and 30% of the Sindhi speaking population can read/ write Sindhi scripts respectively.

An interesting fact came into finding during the current survey of voting about various Sindhi Scripts that the majority of people (research population) like Roman Sindhi Script, followed by 28% of the people voted in favor of Arabic Sindhi Script, 27.5% voted for Devanagari Sindhi Script. In this way, Grukmkhi and Brahmi Sindhi Scripts were voted by 7.5% and 7% of the people respectively. In this way, the majority of Sindhi people use Roman script followed by Arabic and Devanagari scripts. This showed that the Roman Sindhi Script needs time to formulate properly for the global users of Sindhi people living in the various countries.

To conclude, the Sindhi language needs a lot of focus in terms of linguistic studies and research on its progressive reformations of alphabetic contents and innovative creations. Notwithstanding the fact of being the official language of Sindh province of Pakistan and being one of the major literary languages of India which is also recognized in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian Constitution, there is a dire need of declaring it as a “national language” in Pakistan and “an official language” in any Indian state because it is widely spoken by a significant number of people in Sindh province of Pakistan as well as the various states of India where millions of people migrated during Indo-Pak partition after 1947. In the multicultural and multilingual environment, many people are unable to read and study the Sindhi language even in this modern era of technology. Sindhi linguistic experts and Sindhi scholars must review various Sindhi language scripts and also formulate Roman Sindhi Script which is liked and used by most people all around the world to write the Sindhi language. Though all of the dialectics of the Sindhi language are practically found spoken globally as the world is changing day by day and the multilingual culture is bringing various revolutions in languages which may affect the Sindhi language too. Therefore, such a great literary heritage of the Indian subcontinent needs great efforts to preserve and promote it more.


Death: displeasure of all pleasures and pleasure of all displeasures

Fiza Memon
Death: displeasure of all pleasures and pleasure of all displeasures

Death: displeasure of all pleasures and pleasure of all displeasures


 One life where you only live once ends on a lifetime. What next? Recently lost my dearest advocate, my supremely inspiring beloved, I realized that I wasn’t sad, I hardly cried for her absence, yes I cried, cried more, often, when I saw her suffering, each day, every day, every passing day. More because she always stood patient. It wasn’t only inspiring but agonizing over how could someone stay so calm and quiet yet suffer colossally. She remains my inspiration because she passed the test called life. She passed the worst test to deserve the best rewards that await ahead in the gargantuan glory of God.


 Her hair was infinite strands and her care on them was worth it. She said goodbyes to her hair in silence. She accepted the destiny of deceit with pride. She remained in her composure to keep the atmosphere conducive. There, I realized, it’s almost always in your hands how surroundings should treat you. I realized through her that you control much of the internal, external would, either way, take its toll, let it, but you not.


 The world tells you to project your worries, speak out, bombard but when you feed soul the behavior it would exude more of it. When you suppress much, it will take care of you, silence you, and calm you. Not all need to be heard, some must be kept, treasured, reasoned, to be rewarded later.


 Amazing are the affairs of the karmic world, you give out the good to receive good; you get the worst, and it diminishes there.


 Thanking my inspiration for teaching me the wisdom through life, sharing with her the gratitude and joy is something I’ll cherish for history ahead of me until then we meet hoping for the finest union. Awaiting the beautiful journey of death, not wishing, but embracing its idea like a warrior, unlike a nitpicking escapist.

To unlearn is to learn.

Fiza Memon
To unlearn is to learn.

To unlearn is to learn.


 Growing up practicing perfection, perfection wasn’t achieved rather discovered that life is too short to attain perfection at each level. Attaining perfection will always make the pace so slow that even the horse would lose the marathon. Part of learning is to learn to get things done, because most often than not, you’re rewarded for getting things done, not to do them at best.


 The world requires different aptitudes at every stage, not everyone is meant to go through the roads less traveled. Most ordinary and extraordinary ultimately have the same purpose, the purpose of living and learning just to die one day. To learn is to habituate, not master. To wait for perfection is to wait for the doomsday.


 On a saddle to hit the journey, my skill on attention to detail taught me that majorly all the work was done and suddenly some were rewarded. It’s the candid work that wins for most and it is indeed beautifully described by Dr. Merete Wedell in her book Battle Mind that why do some people learn and perform under pressure and most don’t.


 While the world is busy hoarding achievements, tangible or intangible, going with the flow is the most underrated seldom feigned as it goes to show the grateful aptitude one has for life.


 The uneasiness in the soul and the restlessness of the spirit inside leave the body uncomfortable and anxious. Growing up, no one lauded and appreciated mediocrity, and today, we only want it. We are in short, constantly trying to maintain equanimity amidst extremity.  Not our fault, the repetitive projection, and exaggeration in the digital media feed us to revolutionize perpetually although, humans, in their entirety, evolve. The misleadingly misconstrued approaches keep the souls misled, restless, limitless. Humans will have to learn to unlearn, they need to not be misled, restless, and limitless and in it, they need to inferentially verify, rest more, and realize and appreciate limitations. These define the beauty of humans and remembering once again that humans are, by default, in their faculty, not absolute.



International mother languages day 21st Feb!

Shoukat Lohar.
“ Assistant professor in English @mehran university of engineering and technology Jamshoro “
International mother languages day 21st Feb!

International mother languages day 21st Feb!

“Are we in the favor of mother Languages…



Shoukat Lohar.

“ Assistant professor in English @mehran university of engineering and technology Jamshoro “


On this auspicious day of mother


Which is celebrated throughout the world on 21st February. Today The UN,s educational, scientific, and cultural organ UNESCO and other international agencies and groups organize events to highlight the historical significance of mother languages.

In this context, the conferences, seminars,  symposiums, rallies, and gatherings are demonstrated to unleash the mother tongue as the greatest medium of language description.

Sadly, speaking the mother languages which are organic treasures for other languages, are highly ignored due to the centralization and monolingual nation of the world.


The world is like a vase full of colorful flowers of diversified cultural heritage.  So is with the languages of the world.

According to world Ethnologue “ there are more than seven thousand languages spoken in the world.  But due to globalization and McDonaldization of the world, according to David Crystal  there 4 percent of languages spoken by 96 percent of the total population of the world “

  further, the aggravated is the condition with the mother languages or indigenous languages that these are virulently killed Every other day. According to David Crystal language death occurs every after 14th day.


 It’s very heartening and saddening news for the language scholars to ponder over this plight and plan policies and remedies against this atrocity to world mother languages.


The historical background of the day being celebrated in the name of mother languages is full of interest and attention.


 . It was in 1952 the then East Pakistan today’s Bangladesh whenever the founder of Pakistan Quaid e Azam delivered a speech in English and stated that Urdu would be the national language of the state. However,  due to the heavy procession and protest the Bengali students urged to give Bangla Bhasha as the national language status,  in this regard four students were killed when police opened fire.

At that moment the Martyrs monument was erected and the Bengali language was recognized as a national language in 1956. Onwards both Urdu and Bengali languages remained the national languages of Pakistan.


in 1971 the then East Pakistan became Bangladesh in which ethnic discrimination infused power in the movement of the split.

UN,s recognition came into accord in 1990  to recognize international mother languages day throughout the world on 21st February.


What is a mother tongue?

 As the saying says, it’s the language the mother speaks to the child, to pacify or play with the child.


 That is the first language the child hears or speaks.


 An easy test to check a Child’s mother tongue is the language He/She is speaking the most at the age of 3–5.


 It’s simple in monolingual societies.


 But not always, straightforward in multilingual societies.


 A child while speaking a different language at home, studied the region’s lingua franca at School, while the language 

heard the most spoken around was the State language which also studied.

 This was on top of learning English as the international language and language of technical education.


 Now, when one starts going to school and depending on the exposure, the language of the region starts taking hold over the mother tongue if they are different. How much depends on the parents.


 Finally, the Litmus test is when one is an adult what language he/she interacts with parents and siblings is what’s usually the mother tongue.


 Now in some cases even there maybe 2 languages in the above situation with equal proficiency, that’s when one will usually choose their ethnic language as mother tongue.


What is the mother tongue?


 As the word goes, it’s the language the mother speaks to the child, to pacify or play with the child.


 That is the first language the child hears or speaks.


 An easy test to check a Child’s mother tongue is the language He/She is speaking the most at the age of 3–5.


 It’s simple in monolingual societies.


 But not always straightforward in multilingual societies.


 Now, when one starts going to school and depending on the exposure, the language of the region starts taking hold over the mother tongue if they are different. How much depends on the parents…


 Now in some cases even there may be 2 languages in the above situation with equal proficiency, that’s when one will usually choose their ethnic language as mother tongue


 In linguistics, we use “mother tongue”, “first language”, and “L1” to refer to the language that we learn before we have learned any other language fully. There seems to be a difference in how our brain handles language when we first learn it, in early childhood, and how it learns later languages, “second languages” or “L2”.


 People who do this are called bilingual, or multilingual, in the strict sense of the world.

According to Sapir Whorf language is the ultimate reality of objects.  It’s more than a tool of communication.


  you talk to [someone] in a language [he or she] understands, that goes to [the person’s] head. If you talk to [somebody] in [his or her] language, that goes to [the] heart.

 – Nelson Mandela was well said by this great leader of the African world.


Are we really in the favor of mother languages?  If yes then we need to take some honest and true measures.

In the name of fashion or enchantment of the English language, we snatch the linguistic rights of a child.  Who is helpless and powerless and can’t resist. We all need to recognize the significance of mother languages in letters and spirits.

Due to the overwhelmed consumerism and commoditization of the world.  We are under the boat of neoliberalism and americanization. The enforced divergence towards English has left the languages of the world at the mercy of one language.

According to David Gradole, in the coming century, the world would be semi-monolingualism.

Due to the bulldozing of world culture and heritage, several languages of the world are in danger. Some are extinct and some are in queue to be beheaded.

We need to revitalize the dying languages. The policymakers and governments need to fund to uplift the status of indigenous languages of the world.

The linguistic profile of Pakistan is very rich in regards to languages.  There are numerous languages, more than 76 languages are spoken across the country.  Urdu as the national language,  English as an official language, and Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto, Balochi, Saraiki are the regional indigenous languages of the country.  Amongst them are the Datki, Marwari,  Rangri,  Shanna,

Hazarvi,  Bohri, and numerous other languages as minority groups of languages.

These are the mother languages of the citizens of Pakistan.

Pakistan is a diverse country and there is multilingualism. It’s the beauty of the nation that keeps it united and strengthened.

According to the constitution, the provincial languages are the official languages of the region/provinces.


The Sindhi language has a rich heritage and cultural background. It’s still in the wait of being recognized as the national language of Pakistan.  It has its script,  live publication, TV channels, and more than five crore Sindhi speaking people according

to recent consensus.


Due to the mushroom growth of private schools and academies Sindhi language has been highly marginalized and ignored.


 Owing to the worsened state of the state-run education system parents are forced to get their education through private schooling.

  In private schools, the Sindhi language is banned.

This is another kind of genocide of a living language.  It’s a live example of linguicism. This practice must be stopped.

Sindhi speaking vocal class must rationalize this burning issue.


  The Sindhi-speaking parents must enforce the private-owned academies and schools especially high fee schools to start teaching Sindhi language subjects like that of five or six hours as they do with English or Urdu.

Let there shouldn’t be any mystification of linguistic issues.  Who can deny the power and privilege of English,  and the status of Urdu as the national language of Pakistan but its provincial languages must not be ignored.  Sindhi language must be revived through enforcing the private sector to give this language space and value as it’s the most valuable language of the world.

It’s only power,

politics and ideology which has created differences amongst us.  Let us not envoy over multilingual Pakistan. Nature has diversity and there is beauty in diversity.

It’s world mother languages day throughout the world and festivals are organized by the United Nations and other organizations but very sadly no privately owned schools institution has organized any program to mark the recognition of this day.


As most of the private schools teach hatred to the indigenous languages that’s why these schools can’t afford the recognition of the mother languages. In this regard, parents must raise voices and question this disparity


 : if schools celebrate the color day,  pineapple day,  Spider-Man day,  fruits day,

Tiger day,  ice cream day,  meat day,

food day and numerous other unproductive days were upon parents being a pauper to their undue demands and notices.


Government must take mother languages on board.  Realizing their significance it must start programs in indigenous revitalizing and enlivening these great sources of inspiration and emotional roots






Jasarat Ilyas Jokhio


By: Jasarat Ilyas Jokhio

Malmari- a fertile valley of the Southern Sindh has been very famous in the literature and history of Sindh as many of the staunch writers have recognized it as an ancient and historical valley of Sindh, located in the wide and vast hugs of the fertile Karo Jabal near Jungshahi Kohistan 7/4, Taluka and District Thatta where we can find a variety of folklore figures whose poetry is like a candle in the darkness. Bagh Muhammad ‘Beshak’Jokhio is also one of those poets and folklore stars of the last century whose poetry is considered as the most authentic source of loving the nature and motherland in this ancient village, full of the traditional treasures of Sindhi language famous “Kohistani” accent spoken here since centuries.

It was the post-partition decade of 1950 when Master Abdul Aziz Jokhio- the leading writer of Malmari published the biography of Bagh Muhammad Jokhio for the first time in the history of Sindh in the monthly magazine “Nain Zindagi” of Sindhi language which became the base of the introduction of this luminous star of Kohistan in the history of Sindhi language and literature. Later on, famous educationist Dr. Nabi Bux Khan Baloch also visited Karo Jabal and the surrounding areas to collect folklore historical information. In the late 1980s, it was another successful attempt by Prof. Amanullah Jokhio who wrote about him in an Urdu language newspaper and Sindhi language magazine “Paigham”. In the 1990s one of the grandchildren of Bagh Muhammad Beshak started writing and working on him was Bisharat Ilyas Jokhio who published the biographies of his maternal grandfather in various newspapers like Daily Hilal Pakistan Karachi, Daily Jago, Monthly Gull Phull, and a few other magazines of Sindhi language. In the English language, no one wrote about him until 2011 when I translated a few of his poetic lines into English and posted them on a popular social media website Facebook. The author also published a detailed biography on Bagh Muhammad “Beshak” Jokhio on November 23, 2020, in the English daily newspaper Daily Parliament Times, Islamabad.

Formally Bagh Muhammad Beshak Jokhio was not much literate but he looks as knowledgeable as he has mentioned names of the various types of utensils, tools, jewelry, weapons, household stuff, and traditional tools used for animal keeping in his poetry. As per my research along with his grandchild Mr. Khashal Khan, there are 27 types of jewelry which he has discussed elegantly in his poetry with exemplary comparison; such as Nath, Boulo, Dussari, Wariyaro, Kheerol, Cherry, Kiyotiyoon, Alpaak, Nabssi, Daandari, Noora, Durr Mooriyon, etc. The mentioned jewelry is a tool of ornamental attraction in this rich customs region. Historians have witnessed about his formal education that he was just three grades of a primary pass from an old Government Primary School Jati (the then a Taluka in district Thatta which is now a Taluka in district Sujawal) Sindh, which shows his qualitative intelligence. In spite of not being much literate, he has also discussed many psychological issues, complicated situations, problems of life, and possible solutions which even a highly qualified man can state and handle hardly. Folklore is that, which contains all experiences of life and its discussion through such veteran poets.

Camels have been used as a source of livelihood and food security for centuries in the Kohistan of Sindh and Balochistan. Bagh Muhammad Beshak Jokhio was also one of the famous Camel-lovers. He used to travel on Camel from Malmari to visit Jungshahi and Makli on a frequent basis on rent as there were no motor cars or scooters available in this backward area in those days. He visited Kathor and Malir for shopping purposes as well. Wherever he went for his business and social circumstances, he used Camels as a source of traveling. Even soon after the partition of India, once he left Malmari to visit Kutch Gujrat (Indian border territory) on Camel from Malmari Kohistan which extends a distance of more than 700 KM (through Jati, Sindh). He used to meet folklore poets, historians and saw the incidence of partition with his eyes. During this journey, he appraised Adam Kutchi (the traditional salty fish and Tea maker in Jati Sindh) in his poetry;

Wow!Adam Kutchi Kutchi!

So spicy is your fish!

Additionally, Kohistan of Thatta has various historical icons and archeological places such as; the famous Karo Jabal, Murr Muqam (a graveyard), Malmari, Jungshahi, Jhimpir, and the areas starting from Dhabeji extending up towards the east. Bagh Muhammad traveled across the region for different purposes. Some of the tasks which his elder daughter Sher Khatoon and second son Abdul Hannan Jokhio told me that he used to explore the eternal and inner-spiritual satisfaction by visiting many shrines, monasteries, and graveyards wherefrom he obtained spiritual light by loving Sufi saints like as; Jungshahi, Mian Syed Ali Shah Sheerazi, Shah Murad Sheerazi, Shah Pariyoon, Makhdoom Muhammad Hashim Thattvi, Dars Waryo, Makhdoom Adam and many of the other Soofi shrines located at Makli and nearby areas. Moreover, in this consequence, he had also visited Multan and Sehwan for visiting the tombs of Bahauddin Zakariya Multani and Lal Shahbaz Qalandar whom he considered as his Murshids (spiritual mentors).

There are various researchers who have been working on his personality and poetic creations starting from Abdul Aziz Jokhio (the staunch first writer of Malmari) to Jan Muhammad Janbaz and various other names come in the list but yet his poetry compendium needs to be published which he named “Kullyat-e-Bagh” (the faculty of Bagh). The unpublished poetry is saved with his grandchildren who will publish it soon (hope so) so that such a luminous poet’s work may come forth for the inspiration of new generations ahead.

Bagh Muhammad “Beshak” left this immortal world on February 26, 1984, at the age of 75 years. He was buried at the historical monument of Jungshahi where his grave is present for his lovers.


Mental health matters – Rudaina Soomro

Mental health matters – Rudaina Soomro

Mental health matters – Rudaina Soomro


        As human beings, so many things can become so normal while the most important aspects aren’t talked about enough; that being our mental health.


        In past societies, the subject of mental health wasn’t looked upon enough but it was still something everyone has to deal with. Mental health may seem invisible, but it is serious and affects everyone. In today’s society, people are much more open and there are many helpful resources that can help you in hard times.


        As a human beings, we each individually face different events that may impact our lives for the best or for the worse. Mental health is a “state of well-being” where we figure out our own abilities and find ways in order to cope with the stresses brought upon us. When the global pandemic hit the world, no one felt prepared to be in isolation. Many citizens of the world were brought unfortunate news of their loved ones passing, some were suffering silently with no bonds to others and some were not able to be as strong as they believed they were. Our mental health is simply as important as any organ in our body. When we as humans face a rough day, our brains will become conflicted over all the things we need to get done, the deadlines we need to meet, and the numerous bills to pay. But although we still are finding time to sleep and eat, what we don’t realize is the worst effect a stressful life has on our mental health. When we are able to step away from reality and find inner peace, we have more control over our life. When we are able to be open with others about our problems, then are we able to find solutions.


        What we fail to realize is that everyone is going through separate battles that we should never ever judge whatsoever. If we see someone who may seem fine on the outside, they may be suffering horribly while they are alone, and as a member of your community, do the deed and check up on your friends, your family, colleagues, and classmates. When we often ask about the well-being of others, you are helping relieve the stress that they may be burdened with. Even though we may not realize it, you bring upon so much relief to that individual, and they can become more open to you and it will be a life-saver to that person knowing they have someone to rely on.


        For every individual, there are so many ways to cope when dealing with mental health illnesses like depression or anxiety. The most important concept of mental health should be to never be afraid to ask for help from someone you trust. By doing so, you can receive proper advice and help to depend on your situation. For some, writing in their journal can be helpful, or listening to music. Some like to bake or cry out their feelings and emotions. Make sure that your coping method is safe and harm-free, then whatever works for you is the best for you.


        Mental health is still deemed as something that shouldn’t be talked about but in reality, it should be talked about all the time. We should never assume that one doesn’t struggle mentally because every single human has their own issues that they need to find ways to cope with. So if we can be kind enough to help them through a tough time, we have improved someone’s well-being for the better. Your mental health matters, as well as everyone else’s. If you are ever feeling low, having a bad day, and beginning to have negative thoughts, please reach out to the hotlines available in your region and do research on resources that are available to help you cope.

Deconstructing Colonialism By Shoukat Lohar

Shoukat Lohar

Deconstructing Colonialism

By: Shoukat Lohar.


“The writer is an assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan. He is a freelance columnist and short story writer. He can be reached at”


Colonialism is an illegal occupation of any piece of land, resource, and property. The occupant is called ‘colonizer’ and occupied ‘the colonized’. There are terms regarding colonialism used to understand fully this paradox word. Like colonialism, postcolonialism, de colonialism, and re colonialism.

The oppressors who with their shrewd mindset have been trying to colonize the world with power and authority, they have been treating the oppressed or conquered people with unspeakable atrocities and brutalities.          


Numerous records of inhuman situations have been reported on the planet earth. No animal has been as dangerous to the human being as the man himself. He has tortured, killed fellow men ceaselessly.

In the beginning, when civilizations were not formed, people were used to living in the form of groups. Their sheer work was to hunt or collect food and drinks and again go for this task. For a collection of food, they have to fight with nature with small instruments or semi-weapons made out of rock or baked clay. That era was known as Stone Age.


Gradually human beings developed and started living alongside rivers. For the first time, women sowed the seeds and the ideas of agriculture began. She saw the seeds fallen down on damp soil and due to heavy rain or water crossing the seeding grew. At that time the groups were known by the leader and the leader was women. These groups grew and disappeared. This was an unending process. No source was available to transfer the knowledge from one generation to another one.

Later on, the civilizations were come into the form: The Sumeria nearby Iraq, the Babylonian, the Indus civilization, etc.

At this stage, the man snatched the leadership from women and started perpetuation of the weaker or vulnerable. The weaker were oppressed, tortured, and enslaved. It followed the dark age of human slavery whose new form is available right now with a modern explanation. However, the difference in the past and present slavery is that, there was no any rule or wage was determined in past but now there is some chunk of remuneration as reinforcement.


If we look at the pages of history, we come to know how the ignoble example of colonialism was set. Firstly the missionary delegations were sent to the rich and resourceful countries. They spied for their masters and let them know all about the periphery they travel or live in.

In this way, the colonial master easily could come and usurp, kill and distort the indigenous identities and rename and reclaim the states, countries, etc.

We are acquainted only with the Britishers as colonizers. However, there are numerous examples in history that can be cited for the multi colonialism of all the powerful and chivalry empowered tribes or nations.

Portuguese, French, Dutch, Normans, Arians, and Arabs equally colonized the territorial land, people, and resources of the powerless and weaker neighboring countries. China remained the tormentor of Japan while Americans remained enslaved by the Britishers. Greece, Iran, and other countries can be quoted as colonizers.


English colonialism at a glance:


English started the occupation of Americans and present Africa and Hattie. They came to the subcontinent colonized India and called it British India.

According to Shahi Thro “when Britishers occupied India it was the richest country on the earth, richer than any other country in resources, well literate and prosperous.  But when Britishers left India, India was the poorest country on the earth having a GDP of less than 27 percent, life expectancy, poverty, hunger, diseases, famine, and unending problems.

Great Britain established the new Virginia Company what is now the USA. They shipped the slaves from African countries because they were cheaper than any other. English ruled the world and the sun never set on the British empire. The Britishers exploited the resources of the oppressed countries and shipped them to Queen Hood.


This is one of the reasons why Africans and Asians having rich resources are perceived as ignorant, ignoble, Beastly people. Who actually was the best? It was in the white skin as said by the great writer of orientalism Edward W said. He, for the first time, used the word ‘occident’ for the west and ‘orient’ for the east. Said was of the opinion that the west retains a peculiar mindset for eastern people as cruel and Brutal etc.  However, brutality is available everywhere in different forms.


After the huge loot and plunder of the oppressed, the oppressor started leaving their colonies.

They settled two types of colonies: ruled and settled. Australia, New Zealand, Canada are the kind of settled colonies while the Caribbean, Africans, and Indians were the ruled colonies.


The post-colonial times:


The Britishers looted and plundered the colonial states at their height. But afterward, they left a legacy that is still doing the same thing, the way Great Britain did. This form is worsening than the direct colonialism. The Feudal, fiefdoms who were clients of the British Raj now turned as the greatest oppressors to their own land peasants and weaker people.


They owned uncountable wealth, land, and resources from the colonial masters now started another unending Colonialism.


In post-colonial influence, our culture, literature, and texts have also teemed.

Oppressed people with inerasable marks on their minds started remembering their justice, equity, and equality system which in reality was an illusion.


The colonial masters constructed canals, spread railway tracks to traffic the raw material and goods to make them rich. However, these symbolic facilities were justified as a common good.



Many enlightened people denounced the British occupation in the world and started movements for emancipation. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o- an Africa writer, wrote about the colonial masters who left marks on the minds of indigenous people.


The most affected entity of the colonized was language – the apparent reality of people.  The Britishers established fort  William college in Kolkata to understand the available content, languages of colonized. Lord Macklay’s minutes were enforced as the sacred documents proved the development and progress of British India. In this way, the symbolic identity of the oppressed was disappeared.


Our indigenous languages were rich and great, not any way less than the English language but these were brandished as languages of ignorance, having no attraction, having no right to exist.  English was represented as the language of pomp and show, wisdom and knowledge, royalty and imperialism. This was the very idea of otherizing.


They established schools. And for employability English was the only license. In post-colonial countries, the plight is the same. Still English is the medium of instruction in central superior services in our dear homeland even Urdu as the national language of the country.

(Rehman 2011) maintains ‘Independence was shifted from Great Britain to the elitism that’s why English and Urdu are enjoying the status of communication. Even having numerous indigenous languages, the books taught at 0 and A levels have not included a single reference on British colonialism.  They are prepared to rule, to be savior, to be a Godot of their oppressed and downtrodden masses. In reality, the case is different they are offspring of the then company Sarkar(east India company).  They exploited the resources and in the name of facilities gave a meager return to society and called it corporate responsibility.


The McDonaldization of the world is the refreshed form of recolonization which we call the real style of living but that’s absolutely wrong. For the establishment of consumerism and indoctrination of specific elitism, they come with such slogans.

It’s a clientele relationship of populism that never ends until the oppressed or colonized end.


CNIC: 45104-0268228-5


Linguistic dilemma: Language policy and nationalization of indigenous languages.

The writer is an assistant professor in English @Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro.
Linguistic dilemma: Language policy and nationalization of indigenous languages

Linguistic dilemma: Language policy and nationalization of indigenous languages.


The writer is an assistant professor in English @Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro.




Since its independence, Pakistan has been in continuous dilemmas of different issues amongst them the language is one of the unsettled issues of Pakistan.

The Pakistani state has been playing with language for so long that it caused the separation of East Bengal; which resulted in a massacre of blood and left the entire country into two after the birth of 24 years of Pakistan.

Hegel the Russian Philosopher once said,” We learn from history that we do not learn from history”.  The same goes with this state of Pakistan yet we have not learned from history and still, this state is unwilling to quit playing with the language of Pakistan. Since the advent of this state, an ideology was set to rule the people; Urdu was imposed upon the people by our founder Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali, who himself did not know Urdu. As, language contains ideological baggage (Whorf, 1956)

The primary purpose of ideology was to hold the political interests of a certain class that has set its own ideology to run the state.

Language has been treated as means of communication throughout the world to get messages across, as regards Pakistan it has paved its way into politics and course books as well.

This essay will discuss the language policies and crisis of Pakistan and leave an open debate to be discussed or researched.

Imagined country


One of the masterpiece works of Urdu fiction ”Aag ka Darya (River of fire)” was written by the renowned writer of then-era Qurratulain Hyder the decade after partition 1957. At that time novel appeared in Urdu and witnessed so many language conflict issues in the country.

The narrator’s own observation was that the language was “paying the price” by emphasizing the importance of Urdu and making an ideology that was fabricated to be the Muslim land of Pakistan. To add fuel to the fire, the film was made in 1955” Hamari Zaban” Our language that praised Urdu Moreover, as noted by the film historian Mushtaq Gazdar that the movie was not audience pleasers but rather created an ideology of the Iqbaliat genre. Although the census 1951 showed the limited number of Urdu speakers as the census author E.H Slade himself:

95 percent of the inhabitants of Pakistan have claimed one or other of the following 5 chief languages as their Mother-tongue, namely Bengali, Panjabi, Pushtu, Sindhi, and Urdu. 98 percent of the inhabitants of East Bengal have Bengali as their Mother-tongue and they represent 55 percent of the total population of Pakistan. Punjabi is the Mother-tongue of 28 percent of the total inhabitants of Pakistan, Sindhi 5.3 percent, Pushtu 6.6, and  Urdu 3.3 percent.

In the past we see this country eventually suffered the dearth of leadership, Pakistan hardly led sixty years of independence half of which remained under military dictatorship. After independence Mohammad Ali Jinnah served as the country’s Governor-General until his untimely death in 1948, this led to the troubled first decade.

General Ayub Khan, later Field Martial, carried out the country’s first coup in 1958. He held power for 11 years and handed it over the reins to another General Yahya khan, who ruled from 1969-1971 and presided over the bloody war in East Pakistan. Consequently, lost half of the country.

     English and its power


As we were the British colony so we inherited English from the very first day of independence. English was frequently used in the institution of the state such as the elite schools, the civil services, courts, etc, so to speak, it was the administrative language, moreover, the country’s leadership conducted business through English. We can see the symbolic posture of English in the public addresses made by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, including those asserting that “Urdu is the language of Pakistan and no other, were all made in English.

The crisis within the provinces of Pakistan


As it was discussed earlier that Pakistan has been in crisis over the issue of language, similarly such crisis led this state to create another dilemma within provinces.

    Sindhi’s concern


After the independence, the hordes of Muhaajir immigrants kept settling and started fighting for the acceptance of their own language. In 1983, there were riots and at that time Altaf Hussain emerged as a student leader and was said to have been supported by ISI. There were small fights within the province resulting in the killing of Sindhi’s and Muhaajirs.

December 1988 agreement was signed by the PPP and MQM which temporarily halted the violence.

Siraiki Movement


Discussing the language issues it will not be less than injustice if the Siraiki movement is not mentioned here, people hardly know about this movement, though the origin of the word “Siraiki” is derived from the Sindhi word for “north” (siro) and this is used to describe “the language of immigrants from the north, particularly the Baloch tribes who acquired the language on their migration to South.

They led their movement to demand their separate province and acceptance of their language within the imagined province to which they named Siraikistan which covers more than half of what is present-day Punjab. Siraiki claimed that they can learn any language of the world but others can not learn Siraiki because its sounds are difficult.

The Bhawalpur Muttahida Mahaz (BMM) Bhawalpur United Front began protests resulting in the killings of people.

In the December 1970 election, Z.A Bhutto came with power, and having seen the success of BMM they were able to place themselves in provincial and national assemblies. Having got power the party reduced its vigorous agitations. Thus, the whole movement remained immobile for the time to come.


Pakhtun’s concern


Before the partition, the Pakhtun’s leader Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan who was often called the frontier Gandhi had not initially supported the Jinnah Muslim league because he was not in favor of partition but rather interested in Pakhtunistan which could give an autonomous land for the Pathans.                 

He founded the magazine Pakhtun in 1928 which promoted the use of Pashto language and literature. His party National Congress was said to have sympathies with the Indian National Congress. They were in power in the NWFP and were led by Ghaffar khan’s brother Dr. Khan Sahib. Seeing this threat Jinnah soon after the partition dismissed the assembly and invited their political opponent Abdul Qayum Khan to form a government.

In 1950 the new legislation Assembly of the NWFP led by Abdul Qayum Khan moved a resolution designed to prove their allegiance to the Pakistan nation by making Urdu the language of courts. This went on for years to come then in 2008 the power was returned to Awami National Party to control the province. The ANP’s government emphasized the renaming of the province as “Pakhtunkhwa” and also laid focus on Pashto language education.

Currently, the same situation continues in this state of Pakistan though, different drafts were forwarded to limit the sphere of English no result came as positive.

English was that much important that during the first education conference in Karachi in 1947, the chairman Fazul Rehman remarked regarding English that “we should not throw away a language which gives us so easy access to all the secrets of western science and culture”.

With the rise of global English, private schools have paved their way in Pakistan’s major cities resulting in a large stampede of parents irrespective of their income. Parents are said to believe that English gives surety for the job in the future.



As the entire discussion witnessed that since the very inception of Pakistan language has been one of the big unsettled issues of Pakistan and created conflict, often of a violent nature.

National and educational policies were designed explicitly to shape this country into one of the cultural and linguistic uniformity which proved to the contrary.

Urdu was declared the national language despite the fact that it was the first language of no more than three percent of the country’s overall population.

One of the funny things is that the national language was associated with the idea of a Muslim nation and other regional languages were demoted to the status of somehow less Islamic. Language-based disputes took place in different parts of the country resulting in the country into two parts which was the huge language price for Pakistan.

The more the linguistic diversity the more the language gets enriched, so it’s high time that the Pakistani government realized and should learn from the neighboring country India where even Sindhi language has the status of national language otherwise the history repeats itself as I would again quote the words of the Urdu writer late Qurratulain Hyder which says, “language was paying the price for the emphasis on the national importance of Urdu for the creation and existence of the Muslim homeland.”




SHEIKH AYAZ: THE voice of thirsty peacocks! Shoukat Lohar.

Shoukat Lohar Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro.

SHEIKH AYAZ: THE voice of thirsty peacocks!

Shoukat Lohar.

It’s undoubtedly a universal truth and undying reality that human thought, feelings, and reactions are preserved in a form that is well known as literature. But maybe wrong it’s our unfortunate to grossly misunderstand literature. We think literature is something which read because of intoxication of brains nothing else. Otherwise, we take it for granted as time passes. When we studied at the University of Sindh during the days of masters in literature many of our friends faced difficulty while understanding Roseau and Hardy’s Tess of the d’Urbervilles, reason was clear that they didn’t have any interest in literature except passing papers.

For many of us colossally faced impediment Matthew Arnold Culture & Anarchy. However, those were green days for all the fellows and others. May those kinds of days come again ah! But a dream of fools.

As W.H Hudson maintains that the general history is the history of the minds of the people while literary history is the real history of human hearts. That’s why a piece of recreation or didacticism that has a lasting impact and impression is called literature.

Literature is a mirror in which we can see our own reflections stigmatized and distinguishably beautiful. Literature is a criticism of life. What’s happening around, an artist depicts in his/her art in such a way that piece of art becomes the identity of him/ her.

World literature is full of such great literary giants whose wit, wisdom, vigilance, and vows realize even to enemies of theirs prowess of creativity and fragrance of work.

Why do we still remember Goethe, Kazantzakis, Tagore, Shakespeare, Milton, Mir, Galib, Shah Latif? Because of their erasable rosy marks upon the hearts of people.

Literature has three important fields of expression i.e. poetry, drama, fiction. All are the outlet of expression. What the writer feels and is hammered by, he/she reflects in its expression. Once the renowned Pakistani folk singer Attaullah Eisakhelvi was asked in an interview why do you sing very sad songs”? He replied,” what I was given by the world I have returned in double”.

Sindh is the rich cultural heritage of fragrances of literature, art, and music. All the laborers of the pen have tried their hard to lessen the human pain and pathos.

Among them, the last century has been much highlighted. The name of the great poet Sheikh Ayaz is undeniably one of the great names after Shah Abdul Latif.

Sheikh Ayaz was born at Shikarpur the city once known as the citadel for trade and business. Later he shifted to Sukkur and Karachi. Professionally he was a lawyer of excellence. But he echoed in human history by his hooking expression of poetry and prose equally. He wrote almost all the genera of poetry. Not only this but he introduced new and novice expressions to Sindhi poetry. He realized many genera from the shackles of Persian. He sang the songs of thirsty peacocks and became the mouthpiece of helplessness.

In the time of cholera The General Zia Ul Haq- the then-dictator, Sheikh Aya’s poetry lit the lamps of hope and love. He was a rebel with an uncompromising temperament. Sheikh Ayaz’s poetry is the documents of Sindhi people in particular and all mankind in general.

Sheik Ayaz was a great voracious reader and had command over half a dozen languages. Sindhi, Urdu, English, and Persian except for many indigenous dialects.

He saw the success of his poetry and was honored as one of the great read poets in his lifetime. People were attracted to his poetry from honey bees to sunflowers.

He has more than seventy books published to his credit and translation of great Shah Abdul Latif poetry into Urdu. He was a poet, story writer, journalist, and much more.

We are lucky enough to be bestowed with such a great poet in our Sindhi language.

Sheikh Ayaz’s poetry needs discovery and discourse. Our youth need to read Ayaz as much as possible. Because Ayaz has made language invulnerable and invincible through his lofty expression.

Due to the decline in our education system, we are deprived of good educational academia’s that’s one of the reasons that the reading habit is becoming extinct like pandas day by day. We must work to revive the reading habits amongst us.

Except for all sheikh Ayaz has written three masterpieces in the form of operas. The death of Dodo Soomro, Dacoits of the fort of Rani, and Bhagat Singh’s gallows. These are evidence of his greatness as a poet par excellence.                                           

. A variety of programs are exhibited.  Due to the lack of proper space, the multitude gets frustrated to pay tribute to their great legendary voice of oppressed Sindh. 

It’s suggested that festivals in the time of this utterly exhausted and disappointed time are like a breezy bunch,  however,  Sheikh Ayaz fought against one unit and other Martial laws.  He must not be confined to consumerism. It’s need of the time we must get his books to read them and spread his message internationally. We must be aware of our youth and children about the culmination of sheik Ayaz,s poetry. But actually, we who remember this great poet we send our children to Private schools where speaking the Sindhi language is banned.!  Least we can do is that we demand these schools start Sindhi language subject as our youth must know our true heroes. Also, demand from Tex curricula and policymakers to include the poetry of sheik Ayaz and let the new generation know about the greatness of this great poet of the world.

Every year the occurrence of such activities is a sign of liveliness and healthy society but I’ve been observing the same stale face chatting same repeated talks and sessions.  We need English translations of sheikh Ayaz,  we need the epics of sheikh Ayaz to be recorded in other languages. Finally, the throng of people come across Sindh to witness this festival an unfortunate thing is that they don’t find an honorable sitting place and get frustrated.  The management of the festival understands this phenomenon.

Finally,  it’s suggested that the young readers and intellectuals should be given the opportunity and letting their voices vent about the poetry or any sphere of life of Sheikh Ayaz.

In the days of December we feel artistic so let us feel it with Ayaz.

Activities pertaining to culture, language, and literature be given a frequent space.  In this way, we can reduce the elements of extremism and intolerance from our deadening society.


Shoukat Lohar

Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro.