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philosophy – The Triangle Space

New Narratives

Aijaz Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. Narratives bring new thinking patterns among the societies and prove to be a fortress to defend the anti-narratives. GM Sayed of Sindh and his like-minded when founded the Bazam -e-Sofiya(Circle of Mystics) Sindh, he gave narrative that “Sindh island of peace beyond the religions, we are mystics, we are …

Russell’s world of analytical philosophy!

 Shoukat  Lohar Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro.                                     Overview Bertrand Russell is a renowned name among the Western Philosophers of England (a British Philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social critic & political activist). He is a fine example of a humanistic and pragmatic approach. He is a great supporter …

The main role of education in changing society

Naveed Hussain Sandeelo Through this article, I am getting to produce my very own point of view that’s what sort of education system should be introduced in the schools and academies of our country. Which kind of teaching methods are more appropriate and getting involves students in the process of learning? How can they develop …

Structuralism and Linguistics.

SHOUKAT LOHAR  The writer is an assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro. Twitter@Lohar  ______________ Overview  This study focuses on the basic assumptions about structuralism as proposed by Ferdinand Saussure through his ideas of structure, language signs, the synchronic and diachronic study of language and langue, and parole. It also …

Indoctrination of One Unit

Single national curriculum (SNC) : Indoctrination of one unit SHOUKAT LOHAR _____________________ The writer is an assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro. Twitter@Lohar Shoukat Aerial View of what’s happening: ____________________ Apart from Afghanistan, any other topic that is most discussed in Pakistan today is the Uniform Curriculum or Single …

The genesis of Sophia!

SHAUKAT LOHAR assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro.  Twitter@Lohar Shoukat.  Philosophy is a Greek word that means love of intellect.  The genius of the Greeks was most prominent in the field of philosophy.  It would be an exaggeration to say that philosophy is a Greek invention because, before the …

Innovation, Creativity, Enlightenment

Zahida Abro. Publisher and Editor of Humsari Magazine Uniform curriculum hinders innovation, creativity, and enlightenment Aerial View of the Problem After the constitutional amendment, many other sectors have the privilege of policymaking for the education sector, but in our country, the rulers have taken decisions in various periods, from the constitution, which will pave the …