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Economy – The Triangle Space

The Politics of Interest: Kashmir Cause

Ghalib Parvaiz. The writer is a Postgraduate in History from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. “Nations have no feelings but interests.” Once said by the French President Charles de Gaulle. The famous quotation solely reflects the current regional politics. Relationships among nations are largely determined by their national interests. Needless to say, there are no permanent foes …

The Challenges for the new Taliban.

Aijaz Ali Mangi. Engineer, Traveler, and writer. Three weeks are about to pass, Taliban are struggling to legitimize their control over Afghanistan. This is an uphill task as most of the world is looking at them with dubious eyes, owing to their past regime. Though many, including China are on the list of the countries …

Sino-US Rivalry: Pakistan’s predicament-1

The Foreign policy options for Pakistan in the coming decade need to be viewed within the perspective of the intensifying Sino-US competition and confrontation. The US-led Western states, after humiliation in Afghanistan, have already launched an insidious campaign to hold Pakistan responsible for the swift advances of the Taliban. This is a dangerous narrative and …

Water scarcity & Sugarcane Production: Effects on the economy

Water! A blessing from nature and the basic need of life. When it comes to agriculture, it is the necessity for growth and development of agriculture sector in Pakistan. Pakistan ranks at 5th position throughout the world and 3rd among the developing countries when it comes to size of its irrigated area. Its 1:4 ratio …