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The Triangle Space – Page 7 – Stay Informed

We belong, just like everyone else

 Rudaina Soomro, Canada. Student

This day in history has become one of the most shocking, and globally infamous for the horrific terrorist attacks that occurred in the States. This Saturday, 20 years ago, the 9/11 attacks occurred on September 11, 2001. This date has been engraved in our hearts along with all the citizens who died that day.

How a simple day in our lives can become so distorted and overturned is something we cannot answer, simply because incidents happen beyond our knowing. People who have survived or are still grieving the losses of loved ones, have yet to find closure. Their lives were impacted the most, especially for those who worked hard to help save others during the attacks, but weren’t there in time to reach the people inside the building. The physical and emotional damage that remains after two decades is still very present. Just having to hear the stories of those who had no choice but to jump off the roof to save themselves, or about the many firefighters who entered that building to rescue the people in need, knowing there was the risk of not coming out of the building, leaves the worst type of agony. To describe the attacks that occurred that day would simply be, the intention that carried into actions of violence. Around 3,000 people died during the attacks but so many more were mentally and physically impacted. Many have suffered from illnesses from the heavy debris, and many have either died or still suffer. The cost for cleaning up debris and damages were $750 million dollars, but for many, money can’t fix any pain they endured from that day on.

Although it has been two decades, the news is still discussing the real culprit behind the attacks but, more importantly, there were fingers being pointed in a certain direction. The entire community of Muslims and minorities have, and still experience extreme racism and islamophobia due to the attacks. Racism and attacks on Muslims have still existed before the 9/11 attacks, but afterward, they became intensified and created a large and long-lasting impression on the Muslim community and on Islam. The community of Muslim Americans has experienced some of the worst Islamophobia, and the majority of Americans do not a positive view of Islam. Many Muslims have come forward about the attacks they have experienced, and one of the biggest insults they all experience is being labeled a ‘terrorist’. To anyone who received this insult, it is simply translated as a term of violence and hate, and that person receiving such a harsh word will be deeply affected. American Muslims suffered the most from the hate after the attacks when news had globally labeled Muslims as ‘dangerous’ and ‘violent’. Had they been honest and kind, people could have learned that Islam is a religion of peace. It is the intention to be kind, to follow the path of righteousness, and not to have arrogance. It is to treat others around us as humans, nothing lower or higher, only equal. It means to have respect for your environment and to spread kind words and actions. Muslims are, to this day, expected to apologize for the attacks, which is clearly wrong. Those who have caused pain should be given charges and suffer consequences, but not a community of innocent people.

Islam has been heavily twisted into horrible labels, but we need to be spreading the message that Muslims should not be treated differently due to religion. Yes, the 9/11 attacks created a heavy stigma and bias to racism against Muslims, but does that mean we should continue these stereotypes? Should we continue to let film and media depict Islam in the wrong way? Should we allow characters to paint all Muslims as ‘terrorists? Should we stay silent when someone jokes about causing violence while screaming ‘Allahu Akbar (God is Great)’? Absolutely not. These are just the beginning of stereotypes. These scenarios that play out for people to see are embarrassing and very hurtful. It is racism and it is islamophobic, and it needs to stop. The final question is, after experiencing or hearing about the terrible attacks, how do we react properly? People living in communities need to begin by changing their mindsets about Muslims. We have been slain in the name of ‘terrorism and it needs to come to an end. If a woman is wearing a hijab and you find that an issue or relate that to terrorism, you are clearly the problem. If you find Muslims a threat to your community, you are the problem. If you decide to take action and participate in creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for a Muslim citizen, you are the problem. People need to end their judgment and quit their stares that do not make us feel any more accepted. Being told to ‘go back home, although that country is our birthplace is not an acceptable thing to tell someone. Having suspicions and judgment towards minorities and Muslims isn’t something that helps our world progress into equality. To have equality and equity as well creates a world of love. It creates safe atmospheres for expression and less hate towards those of different religions. In our lifetime, we are bound to meet people around us who fit into stereotypes but it is up to you to believe if that stereotype is something that is kind or hurtful. Next time you have the chance, take the step to further create peace by making Muslims around you comfortable. Being by their side, and hearing their struggles is a beautiful type of friendship and trust. We only need small actions to create historical impacts. We can all create what everyone believes is impossible; world peace for everyone.

No More War and no more Games.

Aijaz Ali Mangi.

Engineer, Writer and Traveller,

It’s time for America to contemplate her priorities, with Biden in power, there are some changes and adjustments in foreign policy. Exist from Afghanistan is the latest one. Pumping trillions of dollars in the name of change and social development brought visibly nothing for both Afghanistan and America in particular, for the world in general. Taliban regime was ousted two decades ago in the name of “war on terror”, losing thousands of lives, bringing chaos and trauma to tens of thousands of families, wasting millions of dollars, providing many countries a legitimate reason to crack down on dissident groups in the name of terrorism,  what comes in the end?- The Taliban.

History is littered with doomed flawed policies on part of America, have look at the military occupations of Haiti (1915-34), the Dominican Republic (1916-24), Cuba (1906-09), and Nicaragua (1912-33). Iraq is another example.  These are all non-winning wars waged every time in different names. After the fiasco of Vietnam, many political pundits were assuming that the white house will rethink its policies to put aside the imperial hubris and reschedule its priorities. The foreign policy tools will be Diplomacy, trade and engagement, multilateralism, and peace, not war or sanctions. but there is consistency in wars and sanctions.

The classic example of sanctions is Cuba. Most observers will agree that the embargo is ineffective. Every country goes against the sanctions when it comes to annual voting in the UN. Almost every country wants to lift curbs against Cuba except America and Israel, but no president of America wants to be responsible to lift the sanctions. Cubans are rallying sanctions against America and brings Beijing and Moscow closer to them and farther away from Washington.

Sanctions in Iran are also not working. When it comes to the nuclear deals, the IAEA chief flies from Vienna to Tehran to hold negotiations, whether it is ElBaradei or Rafael Grossi. Everyone engages in talks to pursue Iran as sanctions are not working. Iran is doing all in its capacity to enrich the uranium, to provide support to its ideological aligned groups and governments, to expand influence. A sophisticated cyberattack incident on the Bushehr plant did not stop Iran to cut short fissile material. Neither military occupations, nor sanctions and so-called fifth-generation war tactics are working. Despite that, it is imperial pompous and shows that compels America to go for uncalled wars and sanctions.

President Bush was in Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida on 9/11, when he got the news of attacks. He was busy with students in the classroom when some security guy informed him about the attack on towers. His face impressions were grim, the international media remained focused on his face during the classroom and during his first press conference in the school. Many doubt, this was all planned. The war on terror was declared in Afghanistan. Taliban were dismantled. Thousands were killed. Osama bin Laden was killed. Everything was shattered for the Taliban, bombings, drone attacks, tanks, and high-tech military equipment were used to destroy them. Taliban emerged victoriously and swept across Afghanistan in days. There is the big question, how did this happen and who did let it happen.

The two decades of long war brought, what in the end. The disgraceful exit and entry of the Taliban. Who loses in the end. The peoples of both countries.

The Afghan Imbroglio

Ghalib Parvaiz.
The writer is a Postgraduate in History from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad…

In recent weeks, international diplomacy’s focus has shifted from the Middle East to Afghanistan where two decades of grinding war has come to an end. The US-led NATO forces managed to exit the country, making the end of the longest war in US history. On August 15, the Taliban swept to victory that has sent shock waves across the world. Particularly, the West voiced concern over the Taliban takeover of Kabul as their seizure of power is a perceived threat to global peace. Evidence suggests that the blame game begins over turbulent US exit from Afghanistan. The US’ miscalculated move of expecting the Afghan army to combat and counter the Taliban forces lacked efficacy as the Afghan government fled the war-battered country by leaving people in the midst of crisis. This indicates the unpreparedness of the Afghan government. Unfortunately, the Afghan army of 3 lac not even resisted the Taliban and succumbed to the pressure. Both the US and Afghan forces left by creating a power vacuum in the war-torn countries. 

The Taliban assumed power. The foremost responsibility for the new rulers was to protect Afghanistan by averting civil war, ensuring peace and stability. However, the heinous attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport resulted in 180 civilian causalities. The IS-Khorasan claimed responsibility for the attack. This chaotic situation showed that Afghanistan has been descended into chaos because the Taliban failed to protect their own people from systematic persecution. If the instability continues, then there would be strong ramifications for neighboring countries, especially for Pakistan. For instance, the current situation in Afghanistan is triggering a mass exodus. At one point Pakistan hosted over a 4.5million Afghan refugees. According to UNHCR, 1.4 million still live in Pakistan with over 3 lac in Karachi alone. Pakistan is struggling with its faltering economy. Thus, it could not afford to host more refugees from Afghanistan amid an economic crisis. 

Moreover, there are some speculations that the emergence of the Taliban will reinforce Tehreek-e-Taliban inside Pakistan. Since the Afghan Taliban captured Afghanistan, religious parties have been celebrating the Taliban’s victory in Pakistan. Besides, the Taliban revival in Afghanistan intensified the threat of cross-border infiltration in Pakistan. Such situation could multiply the risk of sectarian issue that has remained prevalent in Pakistan. Although paramilitary forces dismantled terrorist infrastructure through kinetic operations back in 2017, yet TTP’s re-emergence once again poses threat to Pakistan’s integration. 

Now the question is what constructive role Pakistan has to play amid the looming Afghanistan crisis? Pakistan’s policymakers urge the UN that the best way forward is international engagement as opposed to isolation. Isolating the Taliban regime will bear no fruitful result, as the global community has already witnessed the last twenty years of the long war in Afghanistan that has brought in suffering in South Asia. Furthermore, the Pakistan government continues to convince the Taliban for forming an inclusive government without any ethnic and sectarian tensions, and put emphasis that the Afghan land should not be the base for terrorists who could threaten the west. The global community has put forth these conditions prior to recognizing the Taliban regime. Regional stability and peace are impossible without addressing the Afghan imbroglio. Therefore, Pakistan is leaving no stone unturned in resolving the Afghanistan crisis. 

     In a nutshell, all eyes are on Afghanistan. The country’s new reality requires discarding old lenses and the world must engage with the Taliban to prevent future regional instability. The two decades of war wreaked havoc. It has destabilized peace and security. The war cost $ 6 trillion along with much bloodshed, yet no positive results were achieved.  All regional countries should play a positive role to resolve the Afghan conundrum. Peaceful Afghanistan is key to regional peace and development. The Afghan Taliban has managed to capture the country, but they need international recognition to rule the country smoothly. Therefore, they have no option except the formation of an inclusive government, protect human rights, and do not allow their land for terrorist activities against any country.

Save Sindh from being plundered by the sea.

 Khalid Pervez

 According to the reports of various international organizations, Badin and Thatta, two major districts of Sindh, will become part of the sea in the next 30-40 years. The Indus River, which has been flowing for centuries, rises from the mountains of the Himalayas and travels thousands of miles into the sea. The speed at which the Indus River used to collide with the sea, the sea did not dare to show its eyes and even occupy an inch of land. Settle there.

Now the river has become weak and its power has also decreased due to the depletion of its water. Now the sea has started showing its eyes to it. The river Indus is now unable to protect Sindh. Has started swallowing. The settlements along the way have built many dams on this river. The passers-by have built dams and more dams are being built. The river Indus cries out, let me fight the sea. I want to save the land of Sindh from the sea but no one is listening to its cries. In the next fifty years, Karachi will be swallowed by the sea. At present, the sea is snatching hundreds of acres of land in Sindh on the daily basis. The inhabitants of the Indus Delta are displaced. Coastal belt residents do not have access to drinking water. Residents of Thatta and Badin say that if someone dies in their house, it becomes difficult to bathe the dead body. The water of the Indus River has turned green in the area of ​​Kotri Barrage and there is no water for more than 400 km.

The life of Sindhis is from the river Indus. The river is now unable to supply fresh water to Mirpur Khas, Umerkot, Badin, Thatta, Thar, Sanghar, and other areas. Sindhis are crying for water. Protesting. No one listens to the cries of Sindhis and Indus. The water of Sindh is being stolen by constructing Jhelum, Chashma Link Canal on the Indus River and the sea is rapidly swallowing the fertile lands with less water. Robbery on the Indus River and water scarcity have caused economic problems to 70 million people living here and their agriculture is on the verge of collapse. According to the International Water Law, the Sindhis have the first right over the water of the Indus River. Sindh is not getting it’s right. We urge all progressive intellectuals and writers, journalists, and progressive organizations in Punjab not only to support our position without making this humanitarian issue a political issue but to join us in the protest.

Pakistan and China have signed a 2 442 million agreement to build the Bhasha Dam. Sindhis ask if there is no water in the river already. The speed at which the glaciers are melting, where will the water come from for this dam in the future. Doesn’t anyone pay attention to the reports of experts from all over the world that glaciers are not covered with snow like before? No one is listening to the -cries of Sindhis on Bhasha Dam. Not a river but a desert has appeared in front of Kotri. The lakes (Manchar, Keenjhar, Halili) are no longer filled with water. Now the birds have also reduced their presence here. Now blind dolphins have also become rare in the Indus River. The lakes that the Indus used to fill with water are now often dry. Even drinking water is hardly available in Karachi. The government and the establishment are trying to turn the spirit of the federation into a mistrust relationship. How long will the oppressed people of small nationalities endure the process of sticking to the wall?

The need for Early Childhood Education in Pakistan

Faizan Makhdum.

What is Early Childhood Education and Development?

When it comes to the lives of young children, parents are amongst the most important group of people in their lives. They include mothers and fathers of the child as well as other caregivers such as grandparents who act as parents. To be healthy and happy and to grow and develop well, children have to rely on their parents to receive the care needed. However, if the parents lack information on child development and receive little to no support in knowing what constitutes good parenting, it can have quite the opposite effect instead.

According to UNESCO, Early Childhood itself is defined as the period in the life of a child from the time of birth to the age of eight years old. They define this time as the duration during with a child grows with the development of their brains to a peak. Thus, the people and environment that the children are surrounded with influences significantly them throughout this period.  This further calls for an intervention into early childhood care and education for their development. This helps to more than prepare the child for kindergarten, nursery, or primary school. This is more focused on the holistic development of the child’s physical, social, emotional, and cognitive needs so that a solid and diverse foundation is built to help them become lifelong learners with the manifestation of healthy wellbeing.  Therefore, educating parents regarding early childhood development allows us to prepare parents that are more caring, responsible, and capable in the future.

What is the goal of Early Childhood Education?

A report on early childhood education and intervention published by the National Research Council in 2000 divided that children’s development should be divided into three areas: cognitive skills, social and emotional development, and the children’s readiness for school.

Cognitive skills refer to the child’s ability to develop attention, short-term and long-term memory, logical thinking and reasoning, audio and visual processing, and processing speed. These help the children develop key skills to help them think, read, remember, learn, stay focused and develop problem-solving skills.

Social and emotional development refers to the children’s understanding of who they are, what they feel, and what to expect what they interact with other people, specially outside of their household. This covers their development of being able to form positive relationships with others and experience, manage and express their emotions according to circumstances.

Readiness for school refers to the development of children’s abilities and skills that allow them to perform at full capacity when they start nursery or kindergarten. Some of these include their ability to interact or socialize with others or externals outside of their usual home environment, demonstrate emotional maturity in different situations, communicate in the required language of use effectively, use their cognitive skills, be able to complete tasks independently and maintain coordination during physical activities.

Parental role in Early Childhood Education and Development

There is a universal assumption that determines parents’ ability to raise young children well based on the accurate and appropriate expectations for children’s behaviour. Whereas, in families what children develop less optimally, there are many researchers who have indicated that this is not only observed as less effective due to lack of parenting skill but also due to a lack of knowledge about child development. Therefore, it becomes crucial for a skillful parent to possess sound knowledge regarding the child’s development process and mechanism throughout the course of their infancy and further development.

Education programs that are systematic in nature can help parents in developing countries such as Pakistan to nurture children with immense intellectual and emotional intelligence. Such programs run successfully with evident results across many developed countries. The main focus of these programs is meant to focus on interaction skills, resulting in greater knowledge amongst parents for children and their development. There have been a number of studies to show positive results from such programs. A study by Gordon and Guinagh (1974) and Grantham-McGregor and Desai (1975) indicated healthy changes produced in the children’s development and in parent’s awareness about their child’s development as a result of parent training programs. Further research has been done by Field (1981) to prove the effectiveness of parent training programs for teenage or young mothers of premature babies. This research showed that these programs help to enhance the knowledge regarding child development and also develop interactional skills amongst parents. The study was further analyzed after four months, where interventional evidence suggested that parents develop a greater knowledge about child developmental milestones and demonstrated more appropriate interaction with their children in person. Such types of studies that are experimental in nature have shown consistent benefits in parents’ knowledge and skills as a result of systematic education programs.

The funding for such programs should potentially and initially be borne by the Federal and State governments of Pakistan in order to ensure generational developments of our future youth through parental education. According to a mass study carried by Seven Jr JH (1984) amongst an ethnically and culturally diverse range of parents, it is known that child development and its education to parents plays a crucial role in the development of children’s emotional, social, and academic intelligence when they grow older and go to schools.

Need for investment into Early Childhood Education and Development in Pakistan

This makes Early Childhood Education Development an important tool to uplift the socioeconomic circumstances of a developing country such as Pakistan. For us, this means that nearly 40 percent of our children under the age of five fail to reach their full potential because of poverty, limited access to health care, education, and lack of good nutrition. Our statistics are much worse according to the open society foundation, indicating that 63 percent of our children between the ages of three to five do not receive education during early childhood. But you cannot blame them if their parents haven’t received the education on how to cater to their children’s development in the first place.

This requires a desperate need for funding and investment into the early childhood education sector of Pakistan to sustain the future of our children who will represent our youth. There have been a few collaborations in place such as the Children’s Global Network-Pakistan collaborating with the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, establishing the Parwan-National ECED (Early Childhood Education and Development) Centre of Excellence. However, there need to be such initiatives on multiple fronts and through different entities to guarantee the desired impact across our nation.


Field, T. Early development of the preterm offspring of teenage mothers. In K. Scott, T. Field, & E. Robinson (Eds.), Teenage parents and their offspring. New York: Greene & Stratton, 1981.

Gordon, I. J., & Guinaugh, B. J. A home learning center approach to early stimulation. Final Report, 1974. (ERIC Docu- ment Reproduction Service No. ED 115 388)

Grantham-McGregor, S. M., & Desai, P. A home visiting inter- vention program with Jamaican mothers and children. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 1975, 17, 605-613.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Child Care During the First Year of Life.º Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 1997, 43, pp. 340-60.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Child Care and Mother-Child Interaction in the First Three Years of Life. Developmental Psychology, 1999a 35:6, pp. 1399-1413.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Child Outcomes When Child Care Center Classes Meet Recommended Standards for Quality. American Journal of Public Health 1999b 89, pp. 1072-1077.

NICHD Early Child Care Research Network. Forthcoming, The Relation of Child Care to Cognitive and Language Development, Child Development, 2000.

Stevens Jr JH. Child development knowledge and parenting skills. Family relations. 1984 Apr 1:237-44.

UNESCO Brief, Early Childhood Care and Education,

Hermeneutics: A Philosophical Analysis

By: Naveed H. Sandeelo

We know that the word hermeneutics emerged in the seventeenth century and simply is defined as the art or science of interpretation. It is also considered as an embryonic universal hermeneutics thought we find some rationalist lines were connected with it. Until the end of the nineteenth century, it was just a theory based on rules which governed the discipline of interpretation. It served only the aim of normative. Hermeneutics limited itself to gaining methodological directions to the specifically interpretive sciences. Being unknown to the outer world it continuously remained within the limits of established disciplines and was only concerned with the interpretation of texts. Later on, in the Renaissance movement, we see the formation of theoretical hermeneutics and the philosophical hermeneutics which legged behind the simple idea of the art of interpretation which was essentially connected with the patristic period.

  The term philosophical hermeneutics is the development of very recent times and this refers to the philosophical position of Professor Hans-Georg Gadamer. Although we see that Schleiermacher, Droysen, and Dilthey much contributed regarding hermeneutic problems but they did not take efforts enough the work to its completion they initiated primarily. Even in the case of Gadamer we see that his efforts would have been impossible without Heidegger. While observing Gadamer’s endeavors and contributions in hermeneutics Heidegger with enough enthusiasm expressed these words that, “hermeneutic philosophy is the business of Gadamer.” In this sense, we can say Gadamer’s contributions in the development of philosophical hermeneutics are praiseworthy who really advanced hermeneutics and brought innovations in it. Therefore, we may say that this new hermeneutics distinguishes Gadamer from preceding philosophers’ contributions. Including this, we may not still hesitate to say that he also radicalized it more and his overviews influenced it enough. Though we see in Heidegger located hermeneutic inquiry on the more fundamental grounds of human facticity he refused to bring out in publication form. These were germinal hermeneutic ideas by which people of his time were much impressed and fascinated enough. This was overshadowed due to his other concerns. He is Gadamer who endeavored to reformulate universal hermeneutics as a theory of our experiences’ unavoidable historicity and linguistically.

  While examining closely Gadamer’s concept of a hermeneutics we find in him the similarity accords with the sense more closely to the hermeneutics of facticity introduced earlier by his teacher Heidegger. Hence Gadamer has intellectually discussed his own hermeneutics in his Magnus opus “Truth and Method”.  We perceive by Gadamer’s achievements have shown us that the historicity of being related to understanding our historically situated consciousness and the human sciences in which that consciousness expresses itself. Gadamer being as a student of Heidegger has developed the implications of what Heidegger contributed to hermeneutics into his Philosophical Hermeneutics and Truth and Method which are systematically extended essential works in the concerned field of hermeneutics. Through these works professor, Gadamer has traced the hermeneutics’ development in a detailed form where he has provided the first historical accounts of hermeneutics from Schleiermacher to William Dilthy and Heidegger. In Gadamer, we see the position of hermeneutics is one step ahead into the linguistic phase where we read him this assertion that being that can be understood in language. Thus through language, we find hermeneutics is an encounter with being. Ultimately he insists on the human reality’s linguistic character, and hermeneutics is seen surrounded by the philosophical questions of the connection of language with being. He considers language as an essential and basic mode of operation of our being-in-the-world and the all-embracing form of the constitution of the world. Hence they pronounced the sciences considering fix and nonverbal to them. He took its task for reconnecting the objective world of technology with basic orders of our being which he believed merely demand our respect. He says it is our task to transcend the prejudices that underlie the historical consciousness, aesthetic consciousness, and historical consciousness.

  Gadamer’s efforts were to introduce human sciences in the place of natural sciences. He considered natural sciences such as mathematics as insufficient. He emphasized this idea that the problem of hermeneutics goes beyond the limits of the concept of method set by modern science. Contrary to science he clearly says that understanding and interpretation of texts is the concern of human experience. For him, the hermeneutic phenomenon is not a problem of method but it is concerned with knowledge and truth. In this way, he strongly insisted on this idea that in the domain of understanding not only do we understand texts but along with them we acquire insights and know the truths. For the development of hermeneutics Gadamer has not attempted to introduce a methodology of the human sciences, but he attempted to understand the human sciences in a true sense with the totality of our experience of the world. His aim was not introducing any kind of technique or art of understanding as we see theological and traditional literary hermeneutics attempted sought to be. Gadamer implores on the losing of that naïve innocence with which, for him, traditional concepts were made to save one’s own thinking. Further, regarding this, he was of the opinion that since that time science’s attitude towards these concepts has turned to be strangely detached, it treats them as tools. Therefore he did not remotely wish to deny the need for methodology within the human sciences (Geisteswissenschaften). Nor did he suggest anything for serving the ancient dispute on the method between the human sciences and the natural sciences. We see him skipping over the debate about the methodological uniqueness of the human sciences by which neo-Kantianism, as well as Dilthy, Misch, Rothaker, and Weber, was strongly occupied at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Hence, he saw moral preaching under the guise of science as absurd. And concurring with Helmholtz, while doing justice to the human sciences who insisted memory and talked of the psychological tact, Gadamer thinks that at the bottom the human sciences have far more to do with the practice of tact than with applying any kind of method. In this regard, I strongly concur with his ideas and his efforts for advancing human knowledge. His contributions in hermeneutics for its universality are praiseworthy and he sees me as a true defender of human science.

Gadamer’s all efforts were for universality and he kindled the spark of universal hermeneutical inspiration; he believed it consists in an inner speech where one is not unbound and cannot exceed in his expression. He takes it as an absolute principle and hermeneutic universality tells us that everything can be expressed in real language. Through the help of language, we can be capable to overcome all objections to its universality. Such objection must be capable of being formulated linguistically. He supposed everything as a language that being can be understood is language. And this was his claim that language was the universal horizon of hermeneutic experience. Including the claim that the hermeneutic experience itself was universal. According to him the very concept of thought or thought thinking itself was the part of philosophy. Thus he raised a question regarding this that how our natural view of the world, which is called the experience of the world is connected to the unknown authority that encounters the proclamations of science. Since the 17th century, the real task of philosophy was to conciliate this new kind of employment of cognitive and constructive capacities of a man with the totality of our experience of life. Now we see that this task of philosophy is expressing in various ways. It has found new ways and directions of expression compared to its past endeavors. In this connection, we also see the main concern of philosophy is this. Therefore we do not hesitate to say, and it is befitting here, that the language is also one of the elements of the “universal” of Gadamer’s hermeneutics. Language for Gadamer is the fundamental mode of action of functioning of our being in the world and an all-encompassing form of the making of the world. This element we see in the world of creative arts e.g. in the perspective of the entire religious world of the ancient Greek we see the essential function of concrete art where the role of the artist was to express through it the divine in response to the gods. Through art, their religion of beauty experienced the divine. Even we don’t find in any nations religiously vital culture’s artist’s work had ever produced his work with no other intention excepting this aim that his people should receive the message what he wants to say or convey. That art in fact is a real representation of those people who live together. And what it says and presents must have a place in the common people. This should be the voice of their feelings and faiths in all aspects. In this way, we are strictly bound to say that through art we gain the world of artistic tradition along with so many worlds. Here the universal aim of art is being served which becomes successful in representing people in general. Before this there is no worth or meaning of any judgment and aesthetic consciousness, they are always secondary to the immediate truth-claim which is produced by the work of art. Through these judgments, we are being alienated from a work of art we are well acquainted with and more familiar with. How this happens so. This happens at that moment when we are not open to the immediate claim and withdraw ourselves to that which holds firmly or grasps us.

   Like art, we also see this universal element is present in history. While looking at the pages of historical consciousness last two hundred years record teaches us that there are some serious problems involved in its claim to historical objectivity. For example, when we get a chance to read History of Rome, written by Mommsen we come to know that he was alone who could have written it in true sense that we can identify the political situation in this historian organized the voices of the past in a meaningful way. We know from all the historical experience’s reality that while having mastery of historical method it does not be able to find its expression. Only one part of our actual experience can be expressed by historical science it cannot express our all experiences. According to professor Gadamer, we can find an element of truth in every caricature. Even in the case of the common person, we can say that who does not produce any new thing has also done this. The role of imagination is very important for scholars and this is a decisive function for him. Imagination naturally plays its hermeneutical role. It serves the ability to access the real and raises productive questions. Regarding this, only a person who has mastery over all methods of his science can be successful. Further, we may say that hermeneutical consciousness’ real power is our ability to see what is questionable. We just do not have to see only the artistic tradition of a people, historical tradition, or modern science’s principle in its hermeneutical preconditions. Instead of this, we have to take the whole of our experience, and then we can say in the real sense we have succeeded in our aim, in relating the science’s experience to our own universal and human experience of life. Through this now we can say that we have reached the fundamental level and we can call it the linguistic constitution of the world. It presents itself as the consciousness that is affected by history. The scholar – even the natural scientist is not fully free of society and custom and from all his environment’s possible factors. Precisely in his scientific experience providing fruitful ideas to him is not the laws of ironclad inference, as Helmholtz thought, but rather than being unforeseen constellations that kindle the spark of scientific inspiration. This we can see in Newton’s falling apple.

  The consciousness that is affected by history has its completion in linguistic. We can say that language, in its life and occurrence should not be considered as simply changing, and rather that is something that has a teleology operating within it. The process of formation of words, the means of expression in the language in saying certain things, all is not accidentally fixed or disuse. But instead of that, there is a definitive articulation of the world that builds up. This we always observe in children how they learn to speak and develop their language. Reaching this point, I can say in Gadamer’s words “what is manifest, I contend, is the real mode of operation of our whole human experience of the world.” Learning to speak is surely a phase of special productivity.

  In the light of the whole discussion, we can say, what has been described is the mode of the whole human experience of the world. Gadamer calls this experience hermeneutical. This discussion also shows us how the claim to universality is to be understood and this is appropriate to the hermeneutical dimension. In the end, we can say regarding this, that understanding is language-bound, and without it, there is no concept of universal hermeneutics for which Gadamer always struggled and ever seems adamant to achieve this. This is fundamental and essential to hermeneutics.

Well, for human science I would like to develop a methodology that would not be analogous to natural science’s method. I will provide certain arguments in support of this. What makes the human sciences into sciences can be understood were easily from the tradition of the concept of Bildung rather than from the modern idea of the scientific method. Through this concept, we become capable to know the circle of historical ideas. For rising to the universal Bildung is the task of man. It requires the sacrifice of particularity, immediacy, and restraint of one’s private desires and become free from its objectivity. The modern concept is insufficient for this requirement to define fully human sciences. For these humanistic studies, we have to turn to the humanistic tradition which resists modern science’s claims, and gains its new importance and significance in the contemporary world. Including this, we have to provide some historical background that how human sciences, contrary to natural sciences, played their positive role. In this connection, we shall also give some essential concrete examples from history for supporting our argument.

     It is evident that instead of mathematics humanistic studies are more important and play a pivotal role in the universality of hermeneutics. Here we can raise a question that how little can be achieved in this endeavor by the idea of method in the human sciences? While going through history we become aware of some realities regarding human sciences. In the 19th century, we see the development of human sciences which are under the dominancy of natural science. Thus looking at the history of the word Geisteswissenschaft we become familiar with the plural form of this word. We see that human sciences understand themselves similarly to natural sciences. And regarding this, we can say human sciences have their own logic. John Stuart was not of this idea and contrary to this he applied everywhere the inductive method considering it the only valid method in the field of human sciences. We see this method is basic to all experimental sciences not for human sciences. He also sought to apply this to the moral sciences. Human science has such capacity to establish conformities, similarities, and regularities to the law which can make it possible to predict individual phenomenon and processes. In the natural phenomenon, this aim ever cannot be achieved everywhere. The specific problem which is presented by human sciences to thought is that one cannot grasp their nature by the yardstick of regularity’s progressive knowledge. Through the process of natural science’s inductive procedure, the socio-historical experience cannot be raised to a science. In this way, natural science is limited to resolve the matter to grasp the concrete phenomenon as an instance of a universal rule. Even Helmholtz could not be successful to understand the nature of human sciences. Though he in his speech of 1862 emphasized the superior and human significance of the human sciences yet he did not give them a positive logical description. He distinguished between logical and artistic-instinctive induction. But his differentiation instead of logic was more psychological. These sciences use the inductive conclusion. We see in human science they reach their conclusions by an unconscious process. It requires intellectual capacities and a kind of tact as well. Including this, it requires also abounding memory. We see in J. G. Droysen who expressed the hope for the gaining stability and possibility of human sciences. They were in a chaotic movement at that time. Further, he intended that human sciences should be strongly established as a self-reliant and autonomous group of sciences. Even in the case of William Dilthey, who was much influenced by the empiricism of John Stuart Mill’s logic and the scientific method, was plunged into idealistic and romantic ideas in the concept of spirit (Geist). He often considered himself superior to British empiricism. For an ideal work, it requires seriousness, consistency, and continuous labor, and these qualities we see in Dilthey. His contribution is extended on a decade’s labor where he devotionally worked for the foundations of human sciences. Thus the model of the natural sciences immensely influenced Dilthey. Even at that time when he was struggling to provide justification for the methodological independence of the human sciences. I am given the task to develop a methodology for human sciences I would prefer to develop my method different from natural science and like William Dilthey will detach the methods of human sciences from the scientific model. But contrary to him, I would not develop it on the model of natural sciences, rather than I would develop a pure humanistic model which will encompass all the social and human life’s directions from its own method. Dilthey’s defense for epistemological independence of human sciences or method remains the same everywhere.

  Professor Gadamer doesn’t see in human sciences any method of their own. Hence he mentions the name of Helmholtz while asking questions to what extent method is important and other logical propositions of the human sciences are not more significant than inductive logic. I think that Helmholtz was quite right in doing justice to the human sciences when he was emphasizing authority and memory and in speaking of the psychological tact. That, here he did replace the conscious drawing of reflections. It was also asked that what the basis of this tact was. How was it acquired? The reason is given here that due to swiftly asked questions by human sciences they cannot be fitted in the modern concept of science; they are left for philosophy itself to resolve this problem. Helmholtz’s answer was neither satisfactory nor sufficient. In molding the idea of science and knowledge he was a follower of Kant. He founded his model of science and knowledge on the pattern of the natural sciences and sought the distinctive feature of the human sciences in the artistic element. Helmholtz’s given picture of work in the natural sciences is one-sided. It seems that he did not believe in so-called inspirations or sudden flashes of intuitions. But in the case of human freedom, this cannot be applied. Its world does not manifest the same absence as natural laws. Though we see human sciences regard themselves under the dominancy of the natural sciences, yet they have conveyed this message that they are humanism’s true representatives. We have excellent examples in German classicism which had not only brought new things in art, literature, and aesthetic criticism; it had also given the idea of humanity and new content. In the 21st century, scientific methods and technology have been dehumanized by their methodology and the hierarchy of their ideas. This methodology of natural science is working in limited forms and is not sufficient. Only human science’s method would be fruitful and real representative to lead someone to universality.

Ecology: The declining bee population

Ms.Rudaina Soomro, Canada. Student

 No one I have ever met in my life has ever been extremely fond of bees because of their fear of being stung. But putting their stinger aside, they hold a very important role in our environment and now we face a danger; the decreasing population of bees. Unfortunately, we humans are posing the biggest threats to them, causing these decreasing numbers. When looking at the pros of this issue, we are left empty-handed. If put into perspective, bees and bumblebees are an influencing factor in the cycle of our food supply and pollination. They have responsibilities that they do but with many obstacles, it becomes much more difficult. Bees may look quite scary but they are amongst those in our environment who are fulfilling their purpose to increase nature and habitats. In the end, it is completely unacceptable how they are treated even though they work so hard to help mother nature. On the other hand, looking at the reasons why the bee population has been declining brings us guilt and pity. One of the main issues causing this dilemma towards the bees is the increase in pesticide use. Pesticides have been used more and more in our daily life to keep all sorts of insects away from crops, plants, specific bugs that might carry any sort of disease or illness. It is always used in soil for the same reason, but the chemicals infused in these pesticides hold more damage than we may realize. Research has concluded that there are more than 150 million types of pesticides found in the pollen of bees. That number alone is shocking to hear, but knowing that these pesticides heavily hurt the health of bees is even worse. It affects wildlife bees very harshly and slows down the entire process of pollination. The other major concern is for bees and for humans as well as climate change. It is causing harm to our planet and wildlife and the major percentage is caused by humans. Along with habitats being destroyed so often, the colonies aren’t producing more bees after winter ends due to situations they are facing every day. After learning more about the help bees provide for us, it is only fair if humans return the favor to them as well. Only after we begin investing more into our wildlife and actually realizing how much we depend on our bees, there will be a positive change. They have an impact on our food supply, crops, and nature which are vital for us. We need to take action to help lift the issues that are endangering our bees. We overlook the smallest ways nature up brings us as a whole and our planet deserves more love than we are giving. In a way, we are almost helpless without these efficient small creatures. So, the next time you may spot a bee, take a small moment to realize how meaningful and essential they are in our environment.

Increasing domestic violence.

Shoukat Lohar.

Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world. The term can be classified on various bases. Violence against spouses, children or the elderly is a few of some commonly encountered cases. There are various kinds of tactics that are adopted by the attacker against the victim. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse or deprivation, economical deprivation/ abuse, etc. are the most common kinds of abuses that are faced by the victims.

Domestic violence is not only a problem in developing or underdeveloped countries. It is very much prevalent in developed countries also. Domestic violence is a reflection of our pseudo-civilized society. There is no place for violence in the civilized world. But the number of cases that are reported every year raises a high alarm. And this is not the complete picture, as; most of the cases go unregistered or unnoticed in everyday life. This is a very dangerous trend creeping into our society and has to be dealt with iron hands.

Women and children are often the soft targets. In Indian society, the situation is really gruesome. A significant number of deaths are taking place on daily basis, as a result of domestic violence only. Illiteracy, economical dependency on menfolk, and the otherwise male-dominated society are some of the attributing factors to the problem. Dowry is one of the leading causes that results in violence against newly-wed brides. Physically assaulting women, making horrendous remarks, and depriving them of basic human rights are often showcased in many parts of the country. Similarly, children are also made the target of this inhuman behavior.

Serious in-sighting is required in the matter. The double standards and hypocrisy of the society members are evident in such matters. Many times, the abuser is either psychotic in behavior or requires psychological counseling for this errant behavior. But generally, domestic violence is a result of cumulative irresponsible behavior demonstrated by a section of society. Not only the abuser is the main culprit but those who are allowing it to happen and behave like a mute spectator are the partners of the crime. Recently, in India, to cope with the situation, a campaign, called ‘bell Baja was launched. The main motive of the campaign was to motivate the individuals of the society to raise their voice against the domestic violence happening in-home and around. The campaign was a big hit and successfully managed to draw the attention of crowds towards this issue.

The government has also made and enforced the domestic violence act. The rules and regulations have been introduced in section 498-A of the Indian Penal Code. Law gives an effective shelter and deals strictly with the culprits. But making a law is not sufficient. People will have to wake and arise. They have to be told about their rights and duties. Every human being deserves basic honor and respect. No one is entitled to take the law into his hands. Besides, law enforcement, domestic violence has deeper roots. It is the mentality of the society that covets an overhauling. Society is in turn nothing but the constitution of individuals. Every individual should make the necessary amendments and society will change. It is high time to raise a voice against the injustice happening to self and others. Domestic violence has no place in modern society and should be strongly dealt with.