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Uncategorized – The Triangle Space

New Narratives

Aijaz Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. Narratives bring new thinking patterns among the societies and prove to be a fortress to defend the anti-narratives. GM Sayed of Sindh and his like-minded when founded the Bazam -e-Sofiya(Circle of Mystics) Sindh, he gave narrative that “Sindh island of peace beyond the religions, we are mystics, we are …

Hermeneutics: A Philosophical Analysis

By: Naveed H. Sandeelo We know that the word hermeneutics emerged in the seventeenth century and simply is defined as the art or science of interpretation. It is also considered as an embryonic universal hermeneutics thought we find some rationalist lines were connected with it. Until the end of the nineteenth century, it was just …

Increasing domestic violence.

Shoukat Lohar. Domestic violence is present in almost every society of the world. The term can be classified on various bases. Violence against spouses, children or the elderly is a few of some commonly encountered cases. There are various kinds of tactics that are adopted by the attacker against the victim. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, …

The Education System of Pakistan: Research Based Analysis.

Introduction The economics of education in Pakistan has had its fair share of golden days, but they have been over for too long. During the 1950s and 1960s, our ministry of education had economists thick on the ground across our major capital cities. Research by Blaug in 1979 noted that all the economic indicators then …

Freirean praxis embodied in the complex and controversial notion of Conscientization

Prior to addressing this serious issue, I’d like to provide a brief overview of Paulo Freire’s philosophical evolution in Liberation Pedagogy. As a part of a literary movement in Brazil, Paulo Preire (1921-1997) created his liberation pedagogy concept while working with underprivileged, illiterate peasants and urban poor in his home country. Reading and writing were …