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Parenting – The Triangle Space

Innovation, Creativity, Enlightenment

Zahida Abro. Publisher and Editor of Humsari Magazine Uniform curriculum hinders innovation, creativity, and enlightenment Aerial View of the Problem After the constitutional amendment, many other sectors have the privilege of policymaking for the education sector, but in our country, the rulers have taken decisions in various periods, from the constitution, which will pave the …

Forced Conversions & Early Age Marriages

The minorities in Pakistan have always been treated equally and provided freedom of speech. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, equated in 1973, places great emphasis on the Rights of Minorities. Article 36 – states, ‘The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities, including their due representation in the Federal …

Why are Women Vulnerable?

“The world has enough women who lived a masked insecurity. It needs more women who live a brave vulnerability“ Ann Voskamp. When women progress, all society benefits and any society that suppresses women has no future. But their life, health, and well-being remain at risk in the world. After the succession of different waves of …