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admin – Page 5 – The Triangle Space

Every drop of water has a value

Aijaz Ali Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. During opening remarks at the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 23rd September 2021, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned of a world on the “edge of an abyss”. This is true, the world has never been so divided and engulfed in multiple crises as it …

Indoctrination of One Unit

Single national curriculum (SNC) : Indoctrination of one unit SHOUKAT LOHAR _____________________ The writer is an assistant professor in English at Mehran University of Engineering and Technology Jamshoro. Twitter@Lohar Shoukat Aerial View of what’s happening: ____________________ Apart from Afghanistan, any other topic that is most discussed in Pakistan today is the Uniform Curriculum or Single …


Author: Jannat Dahri, USA. Works with Amazon As someone who has been born and raised in the United States, the evolution of change has been invariably materialized. For a country that has been cultivated over 200 years ago, many would not deny the drudgery and triumph that led the Founding Fathers of America to plant …

Learning from Innovative Vistas!

SHOUKAT LOHAR. ________________ The writer is an assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro. Overview:         In modern old English occupies the foremost position. Internationally people need common ground to share their views and ideas and English serves the purpose. For this reason in this research paper, some techniques are …

Parenting Strategies for child development

Faizan Makhdoom. Teacher, Writer. Australia. Introduction The need for improved parenting could not have been direr in today’s circumstances where our children need it the most. With western influence across the world and technological advancements, it becomes a challenge for our country’s parents to establish a fine line between a good parenting strategy and avoid …


MANSOOR HAMZA. geographer- poet – Teacher On Friday, 17 September 2021, New Zealand Cricket (NZC) team refused to leave their hotel rooms due to some security threat. The NZC head, in his initial statement, informed that due to a “direct and imminent” security threat it was impossible for the board to continue the tour, cited …


Aijaz Ali Mangi. Single national curriculum (SNC) is introduced by the PTI-led Government with the vision to bringing the whole nation on the same morals despite the diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Such efforts are made in past as well but remained futile. The significant reason is the whims and self-centered goals of the rulers …

Iran-China Deal: Challenges and Prospect

Ghalib Pervaiz The writer is a Postgraduate in History from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. The traditional concept of global power has been changed. In the twenty-first century, real power belongs to the nation engaging in trade relations with the world. While looking at the changing dynamics of the world, it is indispensable to understand that how …