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Sindh in a labyrinth! – The Triangle Space

Sindh in a labyrinth!


It has been seen that nowadays the best entertainment is country politics. Some say the ouster of Imran Khan was justified, some say no it’s again the murder of democracy! If Imran was right or wrong, let’s say at the apex of notoriety because of the worst governance in the country. especially about inflation, NAB cases, and his Minister’s poetic language!!! Selected rhetoric remained all around. But we not oversight the bumper crowds of his recent protest cum people contacts? I do not say him right, but he is fast becoming popular because of his letter gave! and these narratives are easily accepted by the common man! it’s not appropriate for the power corridors! let’s have look at the other side: cabinet has yet not been finalized, it’s history’s mixed, collected government which has been formed by the left-right powers. Nothing of democracy at all. Here sindh has been auctioned, its sovereignty been given to those whose party roots are the hatred against the Sindhi people, Sindhi language, land of sindh. They are rural claimed fascists who have come now with an agreement in black and white! an agreement of Sindh as a piece of cake being given to them. Every we listen to even people like Khalid Maqbool talks to make administrative units! alas! a party which was orphaned, now talking of mincing Sindh ??? strange! Feudal of sindh sitting in provincial or national assemblies never talked against this illegal and unconstitutional contract! What sindh has got from the ouster of Imran Khan? nothing but only a new political soap serial but in it they are about to lose more! unless people could not come out! sadly speaking why some so-called intellectuals of sindh: some local che Gaveras and female comrades are gone two-step forward: to prove Raees(Feudal)as the Lenin or Mandela alas! if you preferred this assignment why did you go to attend universities? yesterday I read one column in one of Sindhi newspapers where one local Arondothy Roy tried hard to prove Raees(Feudal)as the savior and two steep ahead of Socrates!!! Is this analysis? Our people visited Punjab,kPK they might have seen the megastructure development there: Roads, railways, motorways, Metro, orange trains, health cards, police reforms, best educational institutions ..what is in Sindh??? Nothing and nothing. Sindh has been made Rwanda or Zimbabwe for the last 15 years: every district, taluka, Union Council has been a principal state, their Raja, Sardar, Wadera or Imperialist is the owner of people’s breathing! he decides who has been alive or dead! basic human rights are violated every day, nobody cares! I suggest our people must awaken from highly drugged slumber and come out to save sindh for their children: otherwise it will be too late! however, if Imran is ousted or Shahbaz’s entry sindh is not their priority rather it is a loss. our so-called Fb, brigade, or social media starters must revisit their thinking. Leading people in the labyrinth is also hypocrisy! Imran is Don Quixote no doubt, what is to mislead the impoverished people of sindh.??? its nothing but the fight for riches and oligarchy, not democracy at all.

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