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International Children’s Day – The Triangle Space
Sarmad khoso
International Children’s Day

International Children’s Day


Sarmad Khoso


Around the world, every year different international days are celebrated to educate the masses about different issues, problems, values, and personalities.

“International Children’s Day” is also a part of international days which are celebrated every year on different dates by different countries, which are members of “United Nations”.


International Children’s Day is celebrated annually in most countries on 20th November. The objective of this day is to provide quality education, health, food, and security to every child of the world.


First of all, this day was celebrated by Dr. Charles Leonard in 1857 as “Rose Day”, then Turkey was the first Republic that declared this day (Day of Child Security) as a public holiday in the country. In 1950 different countries started to celebrate this day on 1st June. In 1954 United Nations declared 20th November as “International Children’s Day”.


General Assembly of United Nations on 20th November 1959 presented a deceleration about Rights of Child. On the same date of 1989, the same Assembly signed a Convention about the Rights of Children. The key objective of this day is to provide equal opportunities to every child of the world, regardless of class, creed, color, religion, and nation.


After World War II an organization was founded for the security of children’s rights is “Unicef” (United Nations International Children Emergency Fund). Since 1953 Unicef is a permanent member of the United Nations. Nowadays this organization is working for the welfare of Children in 190 different countries of the world.


Every year the theme of this day is different. The theme of this year is “to invest in future means to invest in children.”


The blue color is the symbol of “Rights of Children”. So we all through this color show solidarity with the children of all the world. We can wear a blue dress, cap, etc on this day, or on social media, we can make our profile picture with blue background.


These are some historical facts about the rights of children but when we observe the situation of a child of our society. It is very painful. Because the child of our society is uneducated, hungry, ill, depressed, and deprived.


According to the reports of 2017 of UNICEF, globally every year, 175 million children are out of school. 69% of children are living in disputed societies. 52 million children are passed away from this world before their fifth birthday.


So, for the betterment of children we (especially parents and teachers) have to perform our duties to save our future and to produce good humans in the world.

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