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October 2021 – The Triangle Space

A Poem by Priya Vachhani

They allow us to commit mistakes  Deliberately men allow us to commit a mistake  Knowingly they become ignorant  They pretend to see not though they do  They instigate as well  They instigate us only to the degree  The final word should remain with them  And they continue to maintain their ego  So that if the …

New Narratives

Aijaz Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. Narratives bring new thinking patterns among the societies and prove to be a fortress to defend the anti-narratives. GM Sayed of Sindh and his like-minded when founded the Bazam -e-Sofiya(Circle of Mystics) Sindh, he gave narrative that “Sindh island of peace beyond the religions, we are mystics, we are …

Higher Education in Pakistan: A roadmap to establishing pride in Education

Faizan Makhdoom Introduction In the real sense of the world and from a global scale, Pakistan has none of its 50+ public universities that have the ability to being considered a university of academic standards. If we compare our universities to our neighboring countries like India and Iran, the quality is far poorer regarding teaching …

Russell’s world of analytical philosophy!

 Shoukat  Lohar Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro.                                     Overview Bertrand Russell is a renowned name among the Western Philosophers of England (a British Philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social critic & political activist). He is a fine example of a humanistic and pragmatic approach. He is a great supporter …

The role of parents and teachers in the digital era of education.

Zainab Hayat The topic of this article revolves around the digital era that we live in and the role that parents and teachers play in the lives of the students being brought up in this era. I’m sure you are all well aware of the pandemic that has been going on for almost the past …

The main role of education in changing society

Naveed Hussain Sandeelo Through this article, I am getting to produce my very own point of view that’s what sort of education system should be introduced in the schools and academies of our country. Which kind of teaching methods are more appropriate and getting involves students in the process of learning? How can they develop …

Structuralism and Linguistics.

SHOUKAT LOHAR  The writer is an assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro. Twitter@Lohar  ______________ Overview  This study focuses on the basic assumptions about structuralism as proposed by Ferdinand Saussure through his ideas of structure, language signs, the synchronic and diachronic study of language and langue, and parole. It also …

10th October – World Mental Health Day

Sarmad Khoso. Teacher and writer The World Health Organisation recognizes “World Mental Health” Day on 10 October every year. Every year the theme of this day is different. The theme of this year’s World Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is ‘Mental health in an unequal world’. World Mental Health …

Pandora Leaks: The case of Morality

Aijaz Ali Mangi Engineer, Traveler, and writer. All ill-doings become legitimate if someone has nothing to do with morality. Morality in the broader sense is a figurative term, manifested by actions and acceptable to larger sections of the societies among the world e.g. Truth.  Storing the illegal money offshores is a moral deficit but it …