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The Politics of Interest: Kashmir Cause – The Triangle Space

Ghalib Parvaiz. The writer is a Postgraduate in History from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

“Nations have no feelings but interests.” Once said by the French President Charles de Gaulle. The famous quotation solely reflects the current regional politics. Relationships among nations are largely determined by their national interests. Needless to say, there are no permanent foes and friends but only permanent interests. This is one of the main reasons that put the Kashmir issue far from the settlement. Statesmen appear less concerned about the ongoing barbarism in Indian Held Kashmir as they cannot afford to damage national interests by straining relations with other states. August 05, 2020 marks two years when India illegally annexed J&K by revoking article 370. This sinister move aimed at changing the valley’s demography and reviving the dream of making India a greater or mini-super power in South Asia. However, the intricate situation raises questions as to how Muslim Ummah responded to the Indian belligerency and what strategies the Pakistan government made to address the Kashmir cause.

      When the special status of Kashmiris came to an end, the leadership of Pakistan left no stone unturned and used every diplomatic channel properly. For instance, it drew the immediate attention of China and convinced them to call a UNSC meeting on the Kashmir issue. In less than one week, UNSC called an exclusive meeting on Kashmir which was indeed a diplomatic success for Pakistan. Because the exclusive meeting on Kashmir was called for the first time in the history of Pakistan. Furthermore, Pakistan was much expected from the gulf countries to play their constructive role for the Kashmir cause. But, the response could not meet the expectations. Instead of supporting Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia signed a $100 billion oil deal with India’s reliance company that appeared a setback to Pakistan.

      The unexpected remarks of the UAE further isolate Pakistan’s stance on Kashmir when the UAE ambassador to India said “Kashmir issue is the internal matter of India.” The statement sabotaged Islamabad’s narrative that Kashmir is an international issue. However, it shows that gulf countries share more fraternal relations with India than Pakistan. The already divided Muslims in different blocks could not save the innocent Kashmiris from India’s decades-old brutalities. Even the world is fully aware of the horrific conditions in the valley. Yet, Muslim Ummah continued to turn its blind eyes from the issue which gives New Delhi more strength.

       There exist only three countries standing by the side of Pakistan and vehemently criticizing India’s actions in Kashmir. These are Turkey, Malaysia, and Iran. Prior to commenting on Turkey’s unconditional support to Pakistan over the Kashmir crisis, one needs to understand that in international politics; the enemy of an enemy is considered a friend. Turkey and India share turbulent relations over the Cyprus issue – a country where Erdogan developing military bases. However, India’s annexation provided an opportunity for Turkey to further expose New Delhi.    

While Malaysia under the government of Mahathir Muhammad raised the voice for Kashmiris. Even, he went further by organizing a Kaula Lampur Summit last year in which Pakistan refused to participate due to Saudi pressure. Unfortunately once Mahathir was ousted, not a single official statement comes from the Malaysian government in support of Kashmir. Moreover, he openly bashing New Delhi by calling India an invader of J&K in the United Nations General Assembly meeting. Mahathir belongs to Islamic Nationalist Party, in order to keep his rule intact, he started supporting the Kashmir cause. However, Kashmir needs an impartial struggle that should be extending beyond someone’s interest. 

As far as Iran’s support is concerned, there was a deal between Tehran and New Delhi in which the latter made investments in Chahabar port and Railways Project. In the second phase, India seemed reluctant to continued its investment due to the fear of US sanctions. The delay in projects weakened the relations between Iran and India. As a result, the Islamic Republic of Iran offered complete support to Kashmir cause. 

The above examples have shown that international politics is driven by national interests. Three countries today supporting Kashmir not because they have empathy for Kashmiris but they shared unfriendly relations with India. At present, Pakistan has been facing different challenges on the foreign policy front. A couple of days ago, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s remarks irked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Although, his comments were under the diplomatic norms. Yet, the Saudi government halted the oil package and demanded back $1billion. Islamabad’s strained relations with Riyadh may benefit India. Therefore, maintaining fraternal relations with gulf countries is the need of the hour for Pakistan.

   The decades-old unresolved Kashmir issue is not only worsening with each passing day but also escalating tensions between two nuclear-weapon states. Merely changing maps and releasing songs will not help Kashmir liberating. One may think that when three wars over Kashmir in the past could not solve the issue how come the fourth war will contribute well. The answer is simple; article 370 was not revoked in the past and this time all the hopes of resolving of Kashmir issue comes to a grinding halt. Modi government has left Pakistan with no options for peaceful negotiations.

    Pakistan needs to learn from China. How effectively Beijing responded when the Indian army entered into Galway Valley -the disputed territory between two arch-rivals India and China. The hand-to-hand combat resulted in the deaths of twenty soldiers from the Indian side which also damaged Delhi’s image in the international arena. Consequently, India retreated from the area after getting defeated at the hands of the Chinese army. Like China, Pakistan is a nuclear power and possesses a well-trained military. It has the capacity and capability to give a befitting response to India.

While concluding, those nations who support or stand against Pakistan over the Kashmir issue because of their prevailing interests in international politics. To some extent, global powers do not want to see the Kashmir issue resolve as it may bring India and Pakistan closer to each other. Brotherly relations between two countries in South Asia may emerge against the interest of some other countries. This is how enmity among global powers affects the rest of developing countries. Lastly, whenever global powers structure world order, major costs are often paid by developing countries. May humanity prevail in the realpolitik of the twenty-first century.

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