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September 30, 2021 – The Triangle Space

Poets of Old

Steve Ihde. retired professor of art from EDMC, Arlington, Virginia, United States Could Ovid recognize his importance,As he penned those lines in Rome, true, surely,Would there ever have been any substance,In verse so protracted, even when slowly,From his muse, he might draw inspiration,Her figure before him stately did stand,Did quickly he see his situation,Or, in …

The Politics of Interest: Kashmir Cause

Ghalib Parvaiz. The writer is a Postgraduate in History from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. “Nations have no feelings but interests.” Once said by the French President Charles de Gaulle. The famous quotation solely reflects the current regional politics. Relationships among nations are largely determined by their national interests. Needless to say, there are no permanent foes …