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Global isolation and media control – The Triangle Space

Khalid Perwaiz

Government’s effort to legislate.

The current federal-state media statement is that there is no total upheaval in the devastated Sindh, there is no education, health, drinking water. Not even the antidote for a dog bite, Thar is starving naked.

Sindhis are ignorant, they are slaves of their salvation only that is why they cannot get rid of PPP.

The official statement has its place, because, instead of Chief Ministers like Jam Sadiq, Muzaffar Shah, Ghous Ali Shah, Liaquat Jatoi, Ali Muhammad Mehr, Arbab Ghulam Rahim, they have got a Chief Minister like Murad Ali Shah, who under the 18th Amendment Under these decisions, Sindh has started generating electricity from Thar coal and transmitting electricity to the national grid. In Jhampir, it has started generating electricity from wind thermal power initially. Concerning health, the Government of Sindh has set up 32 Cardiology Hospitals all over Sindh, where patients are treated free of cost from ECG Echo Stent Replacement to Open Heart Surgery. There is no cash counter for the fee collected form. There are only eight container dispensaries of Cardiology in Karachi which deliver first aid to the patient in case of any emergency at different places and take him to the Central Hospital.

The charge sheet on the Sindh government is always ready, even if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court says that he sees progress in the other three provinces except for Sindh.

Government ministers and advisers say that due to lack of good governance, the last resort is Governor Raj or hand over Karachi to the federation.

Not only will lions and goats drink water from a ghat from Governor Raj concerning the government of Sindh, but if the presidential system is implemented in the whole country, the state of Madinah will be completed along with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

In this regard, Arbab Ghulam Rahim has been fielded to form a group like the rest of the defeated Zulfiqar Mirza, Liaquat Jatoi, not only to destabilize the Sindh government but also to put federal pressure on the traditional police and bureaucracy. The government of Sindh should be overthrown through a no-confidence motion by involving the members of the Assembly in the FIR of goat thefts and intimidating the NAB into buying loyalties.

Well, there is no restriction on dreaming.

What results does the federation want to achieve by imposing the same curriculum on the provinces? Muhammad bin Qasim was the conqueror of Sindh and he came and converted the Sindhis to Islam.

In this regard, the provincial education minister of Sindh has stated that after the 18th amendment, it is the province’s prerogative to run the curriculum and education system.

Sparks become smoldering flames. Who would have thought that a white man in the United States would suffocate a black man under his boot and cause a commotion? The whole of America became a flame.

An extraordinary incident has taken place in Sindh recently. One million Sindhis have protested on Twitter for fake domiciles through tweets. This is a small spark that can become a flame.

The people of Sindh understand that their merits coming from outside provinces on fake domiciles are being exploited in jobs and  higher educational institutions

Sindh has become an orphanage for Bengalis, Afghans, Rohingyas, and Biharis. The quota of Sindh is being looted through fake domiciles from above…

In its place, it is a resistance. And it is this anxiety that leads people to change.

The MRD movement against Zia was preceded by secretly printing cyclo-style pamphlets and reaching out to the public. These contacts led to a movement. The history of movements in Sindh is very old. There may be a movement of Haroon’s against the British, there may be a movement of one unit against Ayub, there may be a movement of printing voter lists in Sindhi. Be the movement of D. If there is a movement against Kala Bagh Dam, the people of Sindh are ready to die for their national survival.

Technology has become so modern and easy that it is now easier to get your message out to the world. Those who derail democracy should think that occupation is no longer so easy because now many eyes are focused on you, from Twitter.

The Chief Minister of Sindh was summoned by NAB Rawalpindi. Not surprisingly, the Chief Minister of Sindh was summoned by NAB Rawalpindi. The people of Sindh, from Bhutto’s execution in Rawalpindi to Benazir Bhutto’s martyrdom in Rawalpindi, have become convinced of the state law that Pakistan’s constitutional political democracy Legal matters start from Pindi and end at Pindi.

This is whatever is happening. A game is being played in the name of a law that is beyond the tolerance of the people.

The appointment of a junior judge in the Supreme Court and the appointment of the most senior judge and the Chief Justice of the High Court as ad hoc judges of the Supreme Court have further strengthened why our courts are at the lowest level in the world rankings.

The souls of Maulvi Mushtaq and Sharifuddin Pirzada are still wandering in the courts.

Despite Naseem Hassan Shah’s confession, but we are still standing there.

However, by not appointing the Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court to the Supreme Court, the message has been sent to Sindh that one Hindu merchant is heavy in a loaded boat. The refusal of the Chief Justice to become an ad hoc judge in the Supreme Court is a bold step.

In a recent court decision, Chief Justice Mushir Alam, who was appointed to the Supreme Court by the Sindh High Court, re-appointed 16,000 employees who were given jobs during the PPP regime and fired during the Nawaz Sharif regime. After coming and being reinstated by the Parliament, the outgoing Judge Mushir Alam has disgraced the Parliament by dismissing these employees just one day before his retirement.

Parliament is not subordinate to the judiciary but all institutions are authorized to function under Parliament.

The government’s recent legislation to attack freedom of the press and further control the media is a shameful act in any democratic government, but in countries where hybrid democracies are introduced, the voice of the people Journalism is silenced by such black laws. An embarrassing situation arose when the President’s annual address to the joint sitting of Parliament was to be held, and the Press Gallery was emptied of journalists from all over the country.

As a result, journalists have staged a sit-in and all opposition parties have expressed solidarity with them.

After the victory of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Taliban of our country are more enthusiastic and the Prime Minister says that the Taliban have broken the chains of slavery.

It is also a tragedy that for the second time Pakistan has not been invited to the Security Council meeting on this sensitive issue of the region.

And the country, which plays a key role in Central Asia, has been plunged into dangerous global isolation. The reasons for this seem to be the complete failure of our foreign policy.

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