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September 17, 2021 – The Triangle Space

Global isolation and media control

Khalid Perwaiz Government’s effort to legislate. The current federal-state media statement is that there is no total upheaval in the devastated Sindh, there is no education, health, drinking water. Not even the antidote for a dog bite, Thar is starving naked. Sindhis are ignorant, they are slaves of their salvation only that is why they …

The Sino-US Rivalry: part-II

                                                                      M. Alam Brohi. Born 1952. Was a member of the Foreign Service of Pakistan for over 30 years. Retired after serving as Ambassador for 7 years.  Pakistan, wittingly or unwittingly, is caught in the crosshair of the rivalry between the two great powers of the world which would test the diplomatic skills of our …