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Ecology: The declining bee population – The Triangle Space

Ms.Rudaina Soomro, Canada. Student

 No one I have ever met in my life has ever been extremely fond of bees because of their fear of being stung. But putting their stinger aside, they hold a very important role in our environment and now we face a danger; the decreasing population of bees. Unfortunately, we humans are posing the biggest threats to them, causing these decreasing numbers. When looking at the pros of this issue, we are left empty-handed. If put into perspective, bees and bumblebees are an influencing factor in the cycle of our food supply and pollination. They have responsibilities that they do but with many obstacles, it becomes much more difficult. Bees may look quite scary but they are amongst those in our environment who are fulfilling their purpose to increase nature and habitats. In the end, it is completely unacceptable how they are treated even though they work so hard to help mother nature. On the other hand, looking at the reasons why the bee population has been declining brings us guilt and pity. One of the main issues causing this dilemma towards the bees is the increase in pesticide use. Pesticides have been used more and more in our daily life to keep all sorts of insects away from crops, plants, specific bugs that might carry any sort of disease or illness. It is always used in soil for the same reason, but the chemicals infused in these pesticides hold more damage than we may realize. Research has concluded that there are more than 150 million types of pesticides found in the pollen of bees. That number alone is shocking to hear, but knowing that these pesticides heavily hurt the health of bees is even worse. It affects wildlife bees very harshly and slows down the entire process of pollination. The other major concern is for bees and for humans as well as climate change. It is causing harm to our planet and wildlife and the major percentage is caused by humans. Along with habitats being destroyed so often, the colonies aren’t producing more bees after winter ends due to situations they are facing every day. After learning more about the help bees provide for us, it is only fair if humans return the favor to them as well. Only after we begin investing more into our wildlife and actually realizing how much we depend on our bees, there will be a positive change. They have an impact on our food supply, crops, and nature which are vital for us. We need to take action to help lift the issues that are endangering our bees. We overlook the smallest ways nature up brings us as a whole and our planet deserves more love than we are giving. In a way, we are almost helpless without these efficient small creatures. So, the next time you may spot a bee, take a small moment to realize how meaningful and essential they are in our environment.

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