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Focus shifted. – The Triangle Space

Aijaz Ali Mangi.

Engineer, traveler, and writer.

The chances of dying from COVID-19 are far greater than dying from the bullet. The world is changing at a faster pace than expected. The invention of the press machine was a leap in human history, which transformed civilizations and human history. Post 9/11 world also witnessed rapid changes in geopolitics, but this pandemic has far more penetrating effects. From lifestyles to thinking patterns, everything is being affected.  This is a bigger challenge for humans than any amorphous war on terror.

Though exist of America from Afghanistan was not much honorable, it has drawn much criticism from different sections of the world, but it is deemed as a wise decision by many as well. The methods to dominate the geopolitics are changed, countries do not need military existence on other country’s soil. This is not the age of expanding the colonies, this is a different world, where Hi-tech information gathering methods and warfare tactics are needed and America already has invented, Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, etc. After spending out trillions of dollars in Afghanistan, this was a no-win- war and it was draining out much of American energy to fight the pandemic. The number of deaths resulting from the attack on the twin towers is far lower than deaths from the pandemic. America thinks that the health of its citizens is more important than winning the no-winning wars.

Taliban has fully established their rule, the last bastion of the resistance in Panjsher is gone, they have announced their government. This is now the beginning of the game. The world is watching them carefully, how they are transforming themselves from fighting group to ruling party. Once Obama said, that the election campaign is like reciting poems,s and being in presidential office is like writing prose. This fits on the Taliban also, if we replace elections with fighting. Fighting can be easy than managing a war-ravaged country. The impending challenge knocking at their door is to maintain the unity among the ranks and files. The ideological differences were buried during the war, but they are bound to resurface when in power. With no absolute authority over anyone, this is more challenging.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip reacted to the formation of the new cabinet in Afghanistan.“We don’t know how long this interim cabinet will last. All we have to do is to follow this process carefully,” he told reporters during an official visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Uncertainty engulfs and apprehensions are enhancing with the new setup. The new taker setup includes no woman, no person from outer circles. This dispels the impression of an inclusive government for now. Economic stability seems to be a dream in near future.

America made their choice of exit, they have planning to spend more on research, development, healthcare rather than on aimless wars. Taliban are in power, yet to prove, they can deliver. One country has a history of inventions, noble prizes, mars missions, high-tech enterprises. Other is war rotten, crumbling, and is on the verge of humanitarian crisis. Bagram airbase is deserted by Americans and is now controlled by the Taliban. How airbases and airports will become functional, how the banks will print the fresh money notes, how the life of common people will be improved. The road is muddy and the destination is too away.

Focus is shifted. America is preparing to combat new viruses and conquering space.  Afghanistan is fighting to avoid state collapse.

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