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Mind _ The iceberg – The Triangle Space


When ordinary people think of psychopaths, they have in mind the idea of ​​addicted criminals and serial killers who spend the bulk of their lives in prison, but psychologists know that psychopaths include people around the world.  As rich people live life but are morally bankrupt because they are indifferent.  Many of these people are seemingly successful engineer ‘doctor’ businessmen ‘religious and political leaders.  Some become the president and director of international companies and some even become the president and minister of the country.

 Does the question arise as to what is the character of a person who has been out of sight for a long time?  The aggressive and cruel, unruly, and unethical motivations of such people create many emotional and social problems for their families and societies.  Unfortunately, such men do not feel any shame, nor do they feel any guilt or guilt.  They continue to present the details of all their immoral and violent activities.

 Although the terms PSYCHOPATHS, SOCIOPATHS, ANTISOCIAL are modern products, such individuals are mentioned in historical books.  The Gospel is written

 ‘There are lies and myths on his tongue.  He keeps threatening people.  He hides near the settlements and waits for the innocent as the lion lurks in his prey, dragging the helpless and helpless people into his garbage.  He crushes them.  Helpless people kneel down in front of its power ‘

 ‘His hand will be on the neck of all human beings and all human hands will be on his neck’

 THEOPHRASTUS, a disciple of Aristotle, gave such a person the name of UNSCRUPULOUS MAN and said, ‘He asks people for a loan but does not payback.  He reminds one of his services by buying meat from a butcher so that he can give him more meat and if he does not give up, he laughs and takes a couple of bones and herbs. ‘

 Nineteenth-century psychologist Philip Pinal wrote that such people think logically, but actions are very irrational and irresponsible.  The actions of such people are patient but they are not mentally ill.

 Twenty-first-century experts tell us that such people suffer from PERSONALITY DISORDER and are not victims of SCHIZOPHRENIA, so their diagnosis is difficult in many respects.  That is why some experts call the personality of a personality the name of MORAL INSANITY.

 The most popular book about psychopaths is Harvey Kleckley’s The MASK of SANITY, published in 1941.  This book is a milestone in understanding such mysterious personalities.  Cleckley wrote the stories of people who own psychopathic personalities in this book and prove that such people not only stand in the ranks of criminals but also be successful businessmen and political leaders.  Such people are often not recognized because they do not fall under the law.  Cleverly believed that such people are wearing a normal life form or form of MASK.  That’s why he named his book THE MASK OF SANITY.

 In 1980, Robert Hear, another psychologist, created a questionnaire based on Kleckley’s book, helping psychologists identify police officers’ people in prisons and courts.  HARE told us that what happens in the personality of psychopaths causes the following symptoms in their personality.

 1.  Superficial attraction of personality

 2.  Pride and arrogance

 3.  Bored quickly in the absence of fun

 4.  Over-lying

 5.  Tricky and clever

 6.  Feeling shame and lack of guilt

 7.  The surface pin of happiness and sorrow

 8.  We lack empathy and empathy

 9  Living with others

 10.  Get out of touch soon

 11.  Disobedience from an early age

 12.  Living a life of irresponsibility

 13  Not accepting the consequences of your actions

 Since psychopaths are conscientious, they neither respect religion nor the law, but because they are very intelligent, they avoid law and order by their cleverness and deceit.  Their personality is so attractive that many people cannot say “no” to them and they continue to exploit their personality.  Psychopaths continue to fight for their ends in legitimate and unlawful ways.

 In countries in the world where psychology education is becoming more and more common, more and more people are starting to identify such individuals so that they do not fall into their trap.  Not only do these people create psychological and social problems for themselves, but they also worry about their families and societies.

 Psychologists hope that as psychology education becomes commonplace, the misery of such people will be exposed, and people will be able to avoid such people.

 If we look at global politics, we have to understand how many global religious, socioeconomic, and political leaders are women who are psychopaths and are a threat to world peace.  It doesn’t make sense for them to exploit the poorer countries and kill countless innocent lives to satisfy their ego.  Such people are conscientious and do not respect any religious ‘legal or moral tradition’.  Such people are a threat to the future of peace and humanity.

Shoukat Lohar

Assistant professor in English at Mehran University of engineering and technology Jamshoro.


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  1. Endorsed every point of you, sir.
    Somehow these people or exploiters play with innocent minds to drag and fastened them with influential thoughts.

    These are most upbringing issues that you raised and unravel them with your sacred thoughts.


  2. Amazed to read such an informational article on the biggest yet less identified issue of our society. I regret that we won’t see any initiative in our country to promote psychology as part of education from the early stages because in a country where people fail to identify themselves (identity crises) how is it possible for them to identify others? The country where personality is considered appearance of an individual, how is it possible for them to understand personality traits?
    All we can do is hope that one day our people will be well aware of controllers of their minds.

  3. Sir, Amazed to read such an informational article on the biggest yet less identified issue of our society.
    I regret that we won’t see any initiative in our country to promote psychology as part of education from the early stages because in a country where people fail to identify themselves (identity crises) how is it possible for them to identify others?
    The country where personality is considered appearance of an individual, how is it possible for them to understand personality traits?

    All we can do is hope that one day our people will be well aware of controllers of their minds.

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