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August 2021 – The Triangle Space

The Education System of Pakistan: Research Based Analysis.

Introduction The economics of education in Pakistan has had its fair share of golden days, but they have been over for too long. During the 1950s and 1960s, our ministry of education had economists thick on the ground across our major capital cities. Research by Blaug in 1979 noted that all the economic indicators then …

Understanding the Philosophical Concept of Bildung

Hans Gadamer was not desirous to study humanity as it is, neither was he interested to apply on it empirical methods which have adapted from the physical sciences. It was his great desire to discover what humanity could be. For Gadamer, Bildung is the properly human way of developing one’s natural talents and capacities. The …

Freirean praxis embodied in the complex and controversial notion of Conscientization

Prior to addressing this serious issue, I’d like to provide a brief overview of Paulo Freire’s philosophical evolution in Liberation Pedagogy. As a part of a literary movement in Brazil, Paulo Preire (1921-1997) created his liberation pedagogy concept while working with underprivileged, illiterate peasants and urban poor in his home country. Reading and writing were …

Forced Conversions & Early Age Marriages

The minorities in Pakistan have always been treated equally and provided freedom of speech. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, equated in 1973, places great emphasis on the Rights of Minorities. Article 36 – states, ‘The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minorities, including their due representation in the Federal …

Sino-US Rivalry: Pakistan’s predicament-1

The Foreign policy options for Pakistan in the coming decade need to be viewed within the perspective of the intensifying Sino-US competition and confrontation. The US-led Western states, after humiliation in Afghanistan, have already launched an insidious campaign to hold Pakistan responsible for the swift advances of the Taliban. This is a dangerous narrative and …

Why are Women Vulnerable?

“The world has enough women who lived a masked insecurity. It needs more women who live a brave vulnerability“ Ann Voskamp. When women progress, all society benefits and any society that suppresses women has no future. But their life, health, and well-being remain at risk in the world. After the succession of different waves of …

Water scarcity & Sugarcane Production: Effects on the economy

Water! A blessing from nature and the basic need of life. When it comes to agriculture, it is the necessity for growth and development of agriculture sector in Pakistan. Pakistan ranks at 5th position throughout the world and 3rd among the developing countries when it comes to size of its irrigated area. Its 1:4 ratio …